通过branch name 创建分支 通过tag 创建分支 通过commit SHA 创建分支
git branch dev1,git checkout dev1,git push origin dev1 # 操作步骤: - 1 远端创建dev分支 - 2 本地git pull origin dev - 3 git branch 查看看不到,直接checkout 到dev分支就可以了 - 4 dev分支写代码,本地提交,推送到远端dev - 5 功能开发完了,普通开发者,提交pr - 6 管理员点审查,测试通过...
[root@jenkins web1]# git status # On branch develop # Changes to be committed: # (use"git reset HEAD <file>..."to unstage) # # modified: index.html # [root@jenkins web1]# git commit-m"develop v2"[develop c07a3ea] develop v21file changed,2insertions(+),1deletion(-) [root@jenk...
From planning to production, bring teams together in one application. Ship secure code more efficiently to deliver value faster.
Switched to a new branch ‘dev’新建文件并提交 [helen@git-client project-01]$ vim helen.sh [helen@git-client project-01]$ cat helen.sh #!/bin/bash echo “brahch test” [helen@git-client project-01]$ git add . [helen@git-client project-01]$ git commit -m "20210715" ...
git pre-commit是一种 Git 钩子(hook),它允许你在每次提交(commit)之前执行特定的脚本或命令。可进行代码检查 git push --no-verify -u origin <branch_name> # 不进行验证操作,强行push。 git reset --soft origin/xxx : 将分支重置到远程分支的最新状态,同时保留工作目录中的更改。
Select Code > Branches. In the upper-right corner, select New branch. Enter a Branch name. In Create from, select the base of your branch: an existing branch, an existing tag, or a commit SHA. Select Create branch. In a blank project ...
Select Code > Branches. In the upper-right corner, select New branch. Enter a Branch name. In Create from, select the base of your branch: an existing branch, an existing tag, or a commit SHA. Select Create branch. In a blank project A blank project does not contain a branch, but ...
* [newbranch] master -> master Branch master set up to track remote branchmaster from origin. [root@git test2]# ls test #配置用户 [root@cleint test2]# git config --globaluser.name "Administrator" [root@client test2]# git config --globaluser.email "admin@example.com" ...
git commit -m ‘初始化项目’ git push -u origin master 3、建立分支 按照下图所示建立分支分支名称约束为'branch/XXX'(例如“branch/0111”),“create from”输入 master image image 4、开发 4.1、首先创建一个项目名命名的文件夹,将代码clone到此目录中,并选择代码 ...