Note: Above command will display all commit history. From the given output, copy the “commit hash” of the specific commit from which you want to create a Git branch: Step 5: Create Branch Using Commit Hash Now, create the new branch by executing the “git checkout” command and specify...
1. This will create the new branch and check it out. git branch justin a9c146a09505837ec03b 1. This creates the branch without checking it out.
git checkout public-branch-name 重置分支到指定的commit:使用git reset命令将分支重置到你想要插入新co...
git checkout -b branchName <sha1-of-commit> Which is equivalent togit branch branchName <sha1-of-commit>+git checkout branchName.
或者,您可以使用branch命令,然后使用checkout命令。 控制台 git branch feature-23 git checkout feature-23 修改某些文件并执行commit命令后,feature-23 分支指向最新的提交,而 main 分支仍然指向上一个提交。 -a选项用于首先暂存更改,并立即将更改保存在 Git 目录中。-m选项用于提供消息。 在该示例中,提交消息使...
当我们需要从其他branch选取一个commit到当前branch的时候,cherry-pick是非常方便的工具。 方法很直观,到需要选取的branch记下要pick的commit hash,然后回到要合并commit的branch使用git cherry-pick hash就可以了: 该方法只适合选取单一commit,如果需要合并某个范围的commit,那么rebase是个不错的选择。
# 检出标签对应的代码git checkout v1.0.0 # 从标签创建新分支git checkout -b branch-name v...
当出现上述情况时,就会出现报错:fatal:‘XXX' is not a commit and a branch ‘XXX' cannot be created from it 二、问题原因 远程新建的分支没有更新到本地。实际上,git仓库分为本地仓库和远程仓库,我们用checkout命令是从本地仓库中找要检出的分支的。本地仓库只有在进行网络请求时才会跟远程仓库交互,比如...
git branch <branch_name> 创建一个新的分支,但并不自动切换到该分支。切换分支 git checkout <branch_name> 切换到指定的分支。创建并切换到新分支 git checkout -b <branch_name> 创建一个新分支并立即切换到该分支。这个命令常用于快速开始一个新功能的开发。合并分支 git merge <branch_name> 将指定分支...
(my-branch*)$ gitreset--soft HEAD@{1} This only works if you haven't pushed. If you have pushed, the only truly safe thing to do isgit revert SHAofBadCommit. That will create a new commit that undoes all the previous commit's changes. Or, if the branch you pushed to is rebase...