If you are still experiencing similar issues as described in this issue, then add a comment with your issue details to theCI process does not receive SIGTERM on terminationissue. Overview I have a long running compile job (~40 minutes). I made 2 pushes one after another. I stopped the fi...
job 的超时时间 stages: # 指定运行的顺序- test- deploydeploy:tags:- k8sstage: deployretry:timeout: 3 hours 30 minutes # job 的超时时间script:- echo "我是部署阶段"test:stage: testscript:- echo "我是测试阶段" 此功能如何工作: 运行程序超时大于项目超时:runner超时设置为24小时,项目的CI / CD...
stages:# 指定运行的步骤,pre 和 post 不需要指定-build-test-deployciinit:# job 的名称tags:-k8sstage:.pre# pipeline 运行之前运行script:-echo "pipeline init first job"ciend:# job 的名称tags:-k8sstage:.post# pipeline 运行之后运行script:-echo "pipeline end job"build1:# job 的名称tags:# 指...
The image keyword is the name of the Docker image the Docker executor will run to perform the CI tasks.The services keyword defines just another Docker image that is run during your job and is linked to the Docker image that the image keyword defines. This allows you to access the service...
In GitLab 11.0 we are introducing another environment variable,CI_PIPELINE_IID, that contains a reference that is specific to the project. It means that it is incremented only when another run for the same project is created, keeping the value low and allowing developers to use it as part ...
The image keyword is the name of the Docker image the Docker executor will run to perform the CI tasks.The services keyword defines just another Docker image that is run during your job and is linked to the Docker image that the image keyword defines. This allows you to access the service...
Content of.gitlab-ci.yml: include:-local:/.gitlab-ci/another-config.yml Content of/.gitlab-ci/another-config.yml: include:-local:/.gitlab-ci/config-defaults.yml Content of/.gitlab-ci/config-defaults.yml: default:after_script:-echo "Job complete." ...
There I need to read a little bit more in the documentation to tell gitlab to run the pipeline not for changes on branch main. A similar approach to my suggestion above is possible withrules(on the job level) andworkflow:rules(global). You’ll need to use a pre-defined CI/C...
trigger Defines a downstream pipeline trigger. when When to run job. CI/CD variables Keyword Description Default variables Define default CI/CD variables for all jobs in the pipeline. Job variables Define CI/CD variables for individual jobs. Global...
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