将.gitlab-ci.yml文件放到项目的根目录下。 修改sonar-test-project项目源码,提交并push到仓库,便可触发.gitlab-ci.yml中定义的job,即“sonarqube-check”。 job执行结果: sonarqube中呈现的代码质量分析报告:
The order of jobs in a pipeline depends on the type of pipeline graph. Forfull pipeline graphs, jobs are sorted by name. Forpipeline mini graphs, jobs are sorted by status, and then by name. The job status order is: failed warning ...
允许job失败.job失败不会影响最终结果 设置allow_failure的job失败后不会中断 CI 的执行,当你希望一个job执行失败之后 CI 仍要继续执行时可以设置这个值为true。 如果你设置了allow_failure并且job执行失败, 这时候 CI 会显示执行成功但是会出现一个警告信息。警告信息用来提示有一个允许失败的任务执行失败。(管理人...
The order of jobs in a pipeline depends on the type of pipeline graph. Forfull pipeline graphs, jobs are sorted by name. Forpipeline mini graphs, jobs are sorted by status, and then by name. The job status order is: failed warning ...
互联网软件的开发和发布,已经形成了一套标准流程,最重要的组成部分就是持续集成(Continuous integration,简称CI)。 持续集成 持续集成指的是,频繁地(一天多次)将代码集成到主干。它的好处主要有两个: 快速发现错误。每完成一点更新,就集成到主干,可以快速发现错误,定位错误也比较容易。
目标:在push时自动触发GitLab CI/CD pipeline job, 自动扫描所提交的代码, 并将结果上报到sonarqube SonarQube® - 是一个检测bug, 漏洞及代码异味的自动化工具. 它可以整合到现有的工作流中去启用持续的代码审查在项目的多分支及PR中. ...
SONAR_PROJECT_KEY:"docker-vue" # 定义缓存keySONAR_USER_HOME:"${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/.sonar"# 声明分析任务缓存文件夹 GIT_DEPTH:"0" # 扫描所有代码tags:- docker-vue-vue only:-master cache: key:"${CI_JOB_NAME}"paths:- .sonar/cache
来一个.gitlab-ci.yml的基本模版 代码语言:txt 复制 # 定义 stages stages: - build - test # 定义 job job1: stage: test script: - echo "I am job1" - echo "I am in test stage" # 定义 job job2: stage: build script: - echo "I am job2" ...
在 GitLab 环境中,编辑 .gitlab-ci.yml 文件。这是一个标准的 GitLab CI 声明文件。在脚本部分...
When the runner is connected, it requests the next pending job to run by polling the server continuously. API endpoints used by the runner to interact with GitLab are defined in lib/api/ci/runner.rb After the server receives the request it selects a pending job based on the Ci::Register...