Template contains a job named »job3«. Then overwrite all rules of this job in your current CI configuration with these lines: job3:rules:-when:never Or even shorter: job3:rules:[when:never] Edited3 years agoby @mvazquezWatch out, »disable jobs« and »disable stages« are ...
1. 若发现ci job控制台显示无法下载该项目,但当前提交代码人和ci用户都确实具备该项目的访问权限时,需要检查的是,该访问权限是否是由该账号为系统管理员而具备的权限。也就是需要确保,提交代码的账号,必须是该项目的正常权限所有者(比如private项目则比如加入member并具备report以上权限)。 2. 若指定的docker image报...
job:variables:DEPLOY_VARIABLE:"default-deploy"rules:- if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ /master/variables: # Override DEPLOY_VARIABLE definedDEPLOY_VARIABLE:"deploy-production"#atthe joblevel.- if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ /feature/variables:IS_A_FEATURE:"true"# Define a new variable.script:- ec...
Add a job to a pipeline To add a job to a pipeline, add it into your.gitlab-ci.ymlfile. The job must: Be defined at the top-level of the YAML configuration. Have a uniquejob name. Have either ascriptsection defining commands to run, or atriggersection to trigger adownstream pipeline...
1. 添加.gitlab-ci.yml文件; 2. 配置runner。这样,之后的每次push都会触发pipeline。 GitLab的CI/CD使用文件.gitlab-ci.yml文件配置并放在repo的root directory。文件中定义要运行的脚本并由gitlab runner执行。Pipeline中的script按job进行分组,为yaml文件格式。
To share caches between branches, but have a unique cache for each job: 代码语言:javascript 复制 cache:key:${CI_JOB_NAME} 2.2.3. Disable cache on specific jobs If you have defined the cache globally, it means that each job uses the same definition. You can override this behavior per-jo...
You can disable GitLab CI/CD site-wide, by modifying the settings in gitlab.yml and gitlab.rb for source and Omnibus installations respectively.Two things to note:Disabling GitLab CI/CD, will affect only newly-created projects. Projects that had it enabled prior to this modification, will ...
You can disable GitLab CI site-wide, by modifying the settings ingitlab.ymlandgitlab.rbfor source and Omnibus installations respectively. Two things to note: Disabling GitLab CI, will affect only newly-created projects. Projects that had it enabled prior to this modification, will work as bef...
To learn how to use job artifacts in your GitLab CI/CD pipeline, see the job artifacts configuration documentation. An artifact is a list of files and directories attached to a job after it finishes. This feature is enabled by default in all GitLab installations. Disabling job artifacts To ...
{alt_triplet}-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin:$PATH; fi - openssl_version=`echo $CI_JOB_NAME | awk '{print $6}'` - mkdir openssl - curl --silent --location https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-${openssl_version}.tar.gz | tar -xz --directory=openssl --strip-components=1 - ...