清空GitLab项目中所有的CI/CD Jobs列表或者说是清除Pipeline的历史记录,可以通过GitLab的Web界面或者API来实现。 注意:会删除Pipeline的记录和相关联的Job日志、Artifacts等信息,操作前请确保已经做好相应数据的备份。 通过Web界面清空 登录到GitLab。 导航到项目。 点击左侧菜单栏的“CI/CD” > “Pipelines”。 在P...
When using gitlab-ci.yml include feature , I'm not able to "disable" jobs by overwriting the .yml stages. I'm trying to define a gitlab-ci.yml template in my organisation projects, by having a central gitlab-ci.yml that's included by other gilba-ci.ymls within other projects. That...
在GitLab中 Pipeline 的基本配置就是jobs 每一次提交都会触发一次触发一次Pipeline, 而每一个Pipeline的内容定义的都是一个个jobs 所有的jobs都是定义在.gitlab.ci.yml中的, 是.gitlab.ci.yml的最高等级的元素, 每一个job都有一个stage. 默认是test ,stage默认有三种选择,build => test => deploy 定义的多...
从 GitLab 8.0 开始,GitLab CI 就已经集成在 GitLab 中,我们只要在项目中添加一个 .gitlab-ci....
jobs 构建与发布作业 include导入作业模板 include: - project: 'cidevops/cidevops-newci-service' ref: master file: 'jobs/build.yml' - project: 'cidevops/cidevops-newci-service' ref: master file: 'jobs/test.yml' - project: 'cidevops/cidevops-newci-service' ref: master file: 'jobs/...
Solutions Digital transformation Security & Compliance Automated Software Delivery Agile Delivery Cloud transformation SCM CI/CD Value stream management GitOps Enterprise Small Business Startups Nonprofits Public sector Education Financial services Resources ...
Engineering Analytics Engineering Career Development Engineering Communication Engineering Demo Process Engineering Error Budgets Engineering Fellow Shadow Engineering Function Performance Indicators Engineering Hiring Engineering IC Leadership Engineering Management Engineering Mentorship Engineering Projects...
Gitlab4j. API. GitLabApiException: Field 'webPath doesn' t exist on type 'CiJob' 0 m yz29.06.2024 It works great and I love it. But since I updated gitlab to version 14.6.1, it gives an error. Hopefully the author will update it, I will be eager to use it The...
Gitlab runner not picking up jobs GitLab CI/CD runner yanongena June 2, 2022, 9:52am 1 In our organisation we have a CE edition of Gitlab. I installed gitlab runner on a host in the network version 15 and registered the runner with our GitLab instance. The runner seems active...
Jobs are picked up byRunnersand executed within the environment of the Runner. What is important, is that each job is run independently from each other. Validate the.gitlab-ci.yml Each instance of GitLab CI/CD has an embedded debug tool called Lint, which validates the content of your.git...