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Xcode——》Product——》Xcode Cloud——》Manage Workflows——》双击或右键 Edit——》 Archive iOS——》Deployment Preparation 选择 Testflight (Internal Testing Only) Post-Actions——》Add——》Testflight Internal Testing——》Groups——》Add group(需要先在 Testflight 网页上创建测试组) 注意:Xcode Cloud...
[DISABLED] Creating backup archive: 1592723065_2020_06_21_11.6.10_gitlab_backup.tar ... done Uploading backup archive to remote storage ... skipped Deleting tmp directories ... done done done done done done done done Deleting old backups ... done. (0 removed) ④. 查看备份结果 [root@m0...
archive_cache Creates an archive of all the cache, if any are defined. Only executed when build_script was successful. archive_cache_on_failure Creates an archive of all the cache, if any are defined. Only executed when build_script fails. upload_artifacts_on_success Upload any artifacts that...
rb gitlab_rails['manage_backup_path'] = true gitlab_rails['backup_path'] = "/data/gitlab/backups" //gitlab备份目录 gitlab_rails['backup_archive_permissions'] = 0644 //生成的备份文件权限 gitlab_rails['backup_keep_time'] = 7776000 //备份保留天数为3个月(即90天,这里是7776000秒) [...
The GitLab Support Team Handbook is the central repository for why and how we work the way we do.
Copy to clipboard Decompressed archive size validation failed. To modify this setting: On the left sidebar, at the bottom, select Admin. Select Settings > General. Expand Import and export settings. Set another value for Maximum decompressed file size for archives from imports (MiB). ...
git archive --remote= -o HEAD:app/ And received this in response: fatal: Operation not supported by protocol. I also tried: git archive --remote=ssh:// -o HEAD:app/ And received this in response: ssh: conn...
Downloading the complete artifacts archive as zip file works as describedhere: $exportTOKEN="12345678"$exportGITLAB_HOST=""$exportPROJECT_ID="foo"$exportJOB_NAME="bundle"$curl--header"PRIVATE-TOKEN: $TOKEN"\"https://$GITLAB_HOST/api/v4/projects/$PROJECT_ID/jobs/artifacts/...