51CTO博客已为您找到关于gitlab 如何 archived的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及gitlab 如何 archived问答内容。更多gitlab 如何 archived相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
51CTO博客已为您找到关于gitlab 如何将项目Archived的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及gitlab 如何将项目Archived问答内容。更多gitlab 如何将项目Archived相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
job_execution_timeout :脚本超出了为作业设置的最大执行时间。 archived_failure :作业已存档且无法运行。 unmet_prerequisites :作业未能完成先决条件任务。 scheduler_failure :调度程序未能将作业分配给运行scheduler_failure。 data_integrity_failure :检测到结构完整性问题。 timeout 超时 特定作业配置超时,作业级别的...
archived (可选) - 只找出已被归档的项目 order_by (可选) - 选择基于 id, name, path, created_at, updated_at 或last_activity_at 字段来排序。默认使用 created_at。 sort (可选) - 选择升序还是降序排列。默认为降序。 search (可选) - 构造一个搜索条件过滤数据。 ci_enabled_first (可选) - ...
container_registry images in the archived projects must be deleted before the transfer. For more information, see the troubleshooting section. Existing packages that use a group-level endpoint (Maven, NuGet, PyPI, Composer, and Debian) need to be updated per the package’s steps for setting up...
Field Marketing FY22 Marketing Plan FY23 Marketing Plan GitLab Event Information Event Requirements GitLab Marketing Team READMEs GitLab Positioning FAQs Global Channel Marketing Growth Direction Inbound Marketing Handbook Integrated Campaigns Integrated Marketing Intra-Department Learning: Mar...
archived_failure :作业已存档且无法运行。 unmet_prerequisites :作业未能完成先决条件任务。 scheduler_failure :调度程序未能将作业分配给运行scheduler_failure。 data_integrity_failure :检测到结构完整性问题。 示例 定义当出现脚本错误重试两次,也就是会运行三次。
The EE repository has been archived. GitLab now operates under a single codebase. GitLab is available under different subscriptions. New versions of GitLab are released from stable branches, and the main branch is used for bleeding-edge development. For more information, see the GitLab release...
更新版本:15.10.1;15.9.4;15.8.5 感知时间:2023-03-31 08:20:08 风险等级:未知 情报贡献:TSRC 来源链接 https://about.gitlab.com/releases/2023/03/30/security-release-gitlab-15-10-1-released/ 更新标题 GitLab Security Release: 15.10.1, 15.9.4, and 15.8.5 ...
GitLab's Guide to Total Rewards Hiring & Talent Acquisition Handbook IT IT Enterprise Applications Labor and Employment Notices Leadership Legal & Corporate Affairs ("LACA") Marketing People Group People Policies Product Development Flow Product Handbook Sales Security at GitLab ...