To ensure all changes are reviewed, configure optional or required approvals for merge requests in your project.
Example request: curl --request POST \ --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \ --url "" Example response: { "id": 5, "name": "security", "rule_type": "any_approver", "...
[root@gitlab git_student]# git merge xinjizhiwa 此时查看代码,master分支也是最新的代码了; 至此,git本地仓库的分支,就学习完毕了; 三、自建远程仓库gitlab 1,安装部署gitlab远程仓库 · 下载gitlab软件包 本次学习,为了大家方便,给大家准备了软件包在百度云盘; 链接:
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Alternatively you could utilize the Merge request approvals API to programmatically create these project-level rules as available in the API documentation:" aamarques commented Nov 14, 2023 I verified that ...
Merge Request Approvers and the number of required approvals Repository size limits Deploy keys allowed to push to protected branches Secure Files These content rules also apply to creating projects from templates on the group or instance levels, because the same export and import mechanisms are used...
Problem to solve In a commit based workflows, I want approvals to be required per commit, rather than merge request.
Summary When changing the No. approvals required in the UI these changes are not reflected in the subsequent API call...
“Merge request approvals”和上面说到的“Allow to merge”人员对应,如果“Allow to merge”不是真正的CodeReview人员,那么“Merge request approvals”这块就可以来设置真正的CodeReview人员,你可以设置至少要几个人同意之后才可以进行Merge。 在上述设置都完成之后,开发人员想要提交代码,就必须要在“Merge Requests”...
This feature gives you the ability to create and manage feature flags for your software directly in the product. Simply create a new feature flag, validate it using the simple API instructions in your software, and you have the ability to control the behavior of your software in the field vi...