此时,在查看版本,发现,版本成了三个,有两个是用了一个id号,就证明,我们的过程是回溯的; 至此,我们的本地仓库的代码回滚,就学习完毕了; 5,git本地仓库分支branch 由于开发一个项目,并不是一个人来完成的,需要研发团队的配合,于是,就有了“分支”的概念,用于院队研发协作使用; 一般情况下,研发阶段端的代码,...
To configure approval rules: Go to your project’sSettings > Merge requests. Go to theMerge request approvalssection. Set up your desired rules. You can also configure: Additionalmerge request approval settingsfor more control of the level of oversight and security your project needs. ...
github有类似的pull request但是不强制投票,也就是说怎样才能merge是没有要求的 所以希望实现类似要求时,一般会在pr的下面做评论(比如常见的LGTM),然后对应审核通过的评论达到数量要求后再由有merge权限的人merge 这个具体怎么执行就靠人来定了有用 回复 SCaffrey: 谢谢您!我现在的方案应该是自己部署一个app作成st...
<class 'gitlab.v4.objects.ProjectApproval'> => {'approvers': [], 'approver_groups': [], 'approvals_before_merge': 2, 'reset_approvals_on_push': True, 'disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request': True, 'merge_requests_author_approval': False, 'merge_requests_disable_committers_app...
To enable merge request approval settings for an instance: On the left sidebar, at the bottom, selectAdmin. SelectPush rules. ExpandMerge request approvals. Choose the required options. SelectSave changes. Available rules Merge request approval settings that can be set for the instance are: ...
// Deprecated in GitLab 12.3, use Approval Rules instead "reset_approvals_on_push": true, "selective_code_owner_removals": false, "disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request": false, "merge_requests_author_approval": true, "merge_requests_disable_committers_approval": false, "require_passw...
Activate merge request approvals In the project settings, check this checkbox to turn on the feature. Approvers Select the individual users or groups that are eligible approvers for merge requests in this project. Approvals required Enter the minimum number of approvals required. If the number of...
2. 强制合并请求(Require Merge Request Approvals): a. 可以设置强制合并请求的要求,在合并请求之前需要有一定数量的审批人进行审核。 b. 可以设置最低的合并请求审批阈值,达到阈值后才能合并分支。 3. 强制开启合并请求的检查(Require Merge Request Checks): ...
Pipeline triggers Webhooks Any encrypted tokens Merge Request Approvers and the number of required approvals Repository size limits Deploy keys allowed to push to protected branches Secure Files These content rules also apply to creating projects from templates on the group or instance levels, because...