你就可以获得一个 Self hosted Runner 了,但是这样做会有一些局限性,比如: 没法弹性扩容,只能一个个手动部署 直接部署在裸机上,会有环境不一致的问题 Runner in Containter Simple Docker 为了解决这个问题,我们需要把 GitHub Runner 给容器化,这里提供一个 Dockerfile 的 Example (魔改自:https://github.com/San...
The machine has enough hardware resources for the type of workflows you plan to run. The self-hosted runner application itself only requires minimal resources. If you want to run workflows that use Docker container actions or service containers, you must use a Linux machine and Docker must be ...
A recipe to build and run docker containers serving a GitHub Actions self-hosted runner. - QMUL/github-actions-runner-docker
Docker Github Actions Runner This will run the new self-hosted github actions runners. Quick-Start (Examples and Usage) Please see the wiki Please read the contributing guidelines Notes Security It is known that environment variables are not safe from exfiltration. If you are using this runner ma...
【GitHub Runner:用Docker本地化运行GitHub Action】’GitHub Runner - Run GitHub Actions on self-hosted runner using Docker.' by Thomas Cardonne GitHub: http://t.cn/A65wBu8l #开源#
name:GitHub Actions Demoon:[push]jobs:Explore-GitHub-Actions:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps:-run:echo " The job was automatically triggered by a ${{ github.event_name }} event."-run:echo " This job is now running on a ${{ runner.os }} server hosted by GitHub!"-run:echo " The name ...
Configuring a proxy server using environment variables Using a .env file to set the proxy configuration Setting proxy configuration for Docker containers Configuring a proxy server using environment variables If you need a self-hosted runner to communicate via a proxy server, ...
由于GitHub 官方尚未真正提供在 Kubernetes 上部署 Self-hosted runner, 我使用了Actions Runner Controller (ARC)项目, 该项目允许通过Runner自定义资源,快速的部署 Self-hosted runner。 部署过程在文档https://github.com/actions/actions-runner-controller/blob/master/docs/quickstart.md中已经描述的很清楚了,以下是...
在GitHub 的 Actions 页面可以看到新增加的 Runner。 4. 使用测试 添加workflows 文件 在项目 master 分支,增加文件.github/workflows/blank.yml,内容如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 name:CIon:push:branches:[master]jobs:hello:runs-on:self-hostedsteps:-uses:actions/checkout@v2-name:Run a multi-line script...
A workflow must have at least onejob. A job is a section of the workflow associated with arunner. A runner can be GitHub-hosted or self-hosted, and the job can run on a machine or in a container. You'll specify the runner with theruns-on:attribute. Here, you're telling the ...