systemd Docker Docker Engine Docker CLI Docker Compose PluginAbout 🐙 GitHub Self-Hosted Runner images for running on Docker on Arm64. Resources Readme License Apache-2.0 license Stars 1 star Watchers 0 watching Forks 0 forks Report repository Releases 5 v2023.06.04 Latest Jun 4, ...
We do not plan to offer other Linux distributions. We recommend using Docker if you'd like to build using other distributions with the hosted runner images. Alternatively, you can leverageself-hosted runnersand fully customize your VM image to your needs. ...
你就可以获得一个 Self hosted Runner 了,但是这样做会有一些局限性,比如: 没法弹性扩容,只能一个个手动部署 直接部署在裸机上,会有环境不一致的问题 Runner in Containter Simple Docker 为了解决这个问题,我们需要把 GitHub Runner 给容器化,这里提供一个 Dockerfile 的 Example (魔改自:
在GitHub 的 Actions 页面可以看到新增加的 Runner。 4. 使用测试 添加workflows 文件 在项目 master 分支,增加文件.github/workflows/blank.yml,内容如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 name:CIon:push:branches:[master]jobs:hello:runs-on:self-hostedsteps:-uses:actions/checkout@v2-name:Run a multi-line script...
请注意,Action-runner-controller 不支持多个标签,并且不支持 self-hosted 标签。 示例:使用标签进行运行器选择 runs-on: [self-hosted, linux] 有关详细信息,请参阅“关于自托管运行程序”和“在工作流中使用自托管运行程序”。 在组中选择运行器 可以使用 runs-on 定位运行器组,以便作业将在属于该组...
Once you complete this project, you should understand how to build your own Docker container action and test it in a workflow. Self-hosted runners must use a Linux operating system and have Docker installed to run Docker container actions. For more information about the requirements of sel...
Create a Dockerfile to define the commands to assemble the Docker image. Create an action.yml metadata file to define the inputs and outputs of the action. Set the runs: using: value to docker and the runs: image: value to Dockerfile in the file. Create an file to ...
Build and push the Docker image to the registry. Note This CI workflow runs a local analysis and evaluation of your image. To evaluate the image locally, you must ensure that the image is loaded the local image store of your runner. This comparison doesn't work if you push the image to...