解决方案: On linux/unix/gitbash/cygwin, try rm-f .git/index.lock On Windows Command Prompt, try: del .git\index.lock
用于临时存放文件的改动信息,事实上它只是一个文件。 (3)Repository:本地仓库 用于在本地存放多个版本的文件,包括提交到这里的所有版本的数据,也称为版本库。 (4)Remote:远程仓库 托管代码的服务器上保存的文件。 回到顶部 将工作区文件提交到远程仓库 (1)初始化工作目录:项目所在文件夹右键选“Git Bash here”,...
2、再输入$ git push origin master 3、如果出现报错 fatal: Couldn't find remote ref master或者fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository以及fatal: Could not read from remote repository. 4、则需要重新输入$ git remote add origingit@github.com:djqiang/gitdemo.git 使用git在本地创...
如果输入$ git remote add origin git@github.com:XXX(github帐号名)/xxx(项目名).git提示出错信息:fatal: remote origin already exists. 解决办法如下: 1、先输入$ git remote rm origin 2、再输入$ git remote add origin git@github.com:xxx/xxx.git 就不会报错了! 3、如果输入$ git remote rm origin...
解决办法如下:1、先输入$ git pull origin master//先把远程服务器github上面的文件拉下来2、再输入$ git push origin master3、如果出现报错 fatal:Couldn't find remote ref master或者fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository以及fatal:Couldnot readfromremote repository.4、则需要重新输入$...
github-education-resources/classroomPublic archive Notifications Fork567 Star1.3k Code Issues202 Pull requests22 Actions Projects Security Insights Closed LepcisMagnaopened this issueApr 8, 2016· 1 comment Closed Repository: Name Already Exists on Account#560 ...
前面已经提到了,这张图是后补的,所以在git库中,已经存在了一个MyBaseApplication库,因此下面会出现“Repository with selected name already exists”提示信息,含义是,被选择的库名称已经存在,所以大家也不用担心重复提交的问题了。 如果正常使用的话,Share会是蓝色背景,点击后,就会开始上传版本控制信息,成功后我们就...
仓库地址就是复制这里的地址。作用是将本地的仓库关联到远程仓库。 在这一步时如果出现错误:fatal:remote origin already exists,解决方法如下: 先输入 代码语言:javascript 复制 git remote rm origin 再输入 代码语言:javascript 复制 git remote add origin 仓库地址 ...
git clone [url]: Clone (download) a repository that already exists on GitHub, including all of the files, branches, and commits. git clone --mirror: Clone a repository but without the ability to edit any of the files. This includes the refs or branches. You may want to use this if ...
Moving a file in your repository to Git Large File Storage Removing files from Git Large File Storage Commits Changing a commit message Commit exists on GitHub but not in my local clone Commit branch and tag labels Why are my commits linked to the wrong user?