当代码上传git时,提示Repository not found The requested repository does not exist, or you do not have permission to access it. fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the corre 1.检查当前git中设置的用户名与邮箱是否与自己电脑上的一致。 看这个文件中 如果不一致,...
our build agents (on a separate build server) are no longer able to connect to the TFS instance. After further investigation, we discovered that the agents now use a new authentication module (FrameworkOAuthS2SAuthenticationModule) to connect to the server to download the git repository. ...
git clone时报错: [root@test01 test]git cloneroot@ fatal: repository ‘root@’ does not exist 解决如下: git clone ssh://git@ 增加了ssh端口号。
Host does not existfatal: Could not read from remote repository. image.png image.png image.png Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. 如果github desktop和git pull 和git clone全部都出问题了,那问题出在路由器,或者dns上了, 在cmd中ping不同,不过是设置cmd代...
repository不存在的的问题,shell查看本地服务器repository库,只有test.wiki.git没有test.git.请问这是为什么,是安装出现了错误么?(我试了两种不同版本的gitlab与gitlab-shell的组合,还是有这样的问题)pythongithubgitgitlab 有用关注1收藏 回复 阅读9.3k limichange: ...你这明明是gitlab 回复2015-05-05 USTC...
git@github.com: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. This worked for me: git clone https://github.com/Stability-AI/generative-models.git 👍 1 vaparetia commented Oct 6...
git remote -v 果然是工程的老名字 origin git@bitbucket.org:XXX/oldname.git (fetch) origin git@bitbucket.org:XXX/oldname.git (push) 参考https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24875756/conq-repository-does-not-exist-fatal-could-not-read-from-remote-repository ...
$ ssh -T git@hostname> Hiusername! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not > provide shell access. If the repository belongs to an organization and you're using an SSH key generated by an OAuth App, OAuth App access may have been restricted by an organization owner. For ...
git clonegit@github.com:lieqiang/vue-chat.git 输入git clone 自己远程仓库时报 Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.错误,原因是git服务器没有存储本地ssh密钥。 解决步骤: 删除.ssh文件夹中的known_hosts文件,不删除会有问题; ...
We set up a local git server using GitLab and the server became inaccessible for some reason or another, it went down. When the server was brought back up, the repositories were not there anymore but the links to the git project repos still existed. The following message was printed on ...