通过点击Issue页面右上角的”Close issue”或者”Close and comment”按钮进行关闭,并填写相关的评论信息。 5. 使用Issue模板:可以为仓库设置Issue模板,以提供创建新Issue时的默认内容和格式。在仓库中的根目录下创建一个.md文件,将该文件命名为issue_template.md,GitHub会自动识别并应用该模板。 6. 追踪问题:通过在...
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions 1 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/1_BUG_REPORT.md Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ about: 如果你在使用过程中发现问题,请使用此模板。 labels: Bug --- <!-- 如果搜索过,请将 `[ ]` 替换为 `[x]` --> - [ ]...
Create a.githubdirectory at the root of your project Create anISSUE_TEMPLATEdirectory inside the.githubdirectory Add a file calledbug_report.md. Here's an example: ---name: Bug report 🐞 about: Create a report to help us improve title:''labels: bug assignees:''--- **Describe the bug...
labels: ["bug"] assignees: - pppscn body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | 警告:请务必按照 issue 模板填写,避免浪费你我的时间!没有按照模板认真填写,一律直接关闭! Warning: Please fill in according to the issue template to avoid wasting your time and mine! If you do not fill in the...
templatehttps://github.com/octo-org/octo-repo/issues/new?template=issue_template.md在问题正文中使用模板创建问题。template查询参数适用于在存储库� �目录docs/或.github/的ISSUE_TEMPLATE子目录中存储的模板。 有关详细信息,请参阅“使用模板鼓励创建有用的问题和拉取请求”。
1. 添加单个模板 在github的指定repositories的根目录下创建新目录.github: 在新建的.github下添加md文件ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md。...
To automatically set a default issue title, assign the issue to people with read access to the repository, or apply labels to your issue template, enter these details under "Optional additional information." You can also add these details in the issue template withtitle,lab...
设置Issue模板 以下是如何设置Issue模板的步骤: 在仓库的更目录下创建文件夹.github 进入文件夹.github 创建文件ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md,注意这个名字是固定的,如果是创建了多个模板,则在之后添加序号,如: ISSUE_TEMPLATE_1.md ISSUE_TEMPLATE_2.md …… 进入ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md文件中进行编辑 编辑完毕,提交代码并且合并...
• Jump to the issue template picker via a deep link that requires account switching. • Contrast improvements for buttons in dark mode. • Improved screen reader support to announce the expansion state of the commit list while creating a pull request while editing code. ...
Create a repository using a template (Preview) Creates a new repository using a repository template. The authenticated user must own or be a member of an organization that owns the repository. Create an issue This operation is used to create a new issue for a specific repository. Create or...