name:Labelissueson:issues:types:-reopened-openedjobs:label_issues:runs-on:ubuntu-latestpermissions:issues:writesteps:-run:ghissueedit"$NUMBER"--add-label"$LABELS"env:GH_TOKEN:${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}GH_REPO:${{github.repository}}NUMBER:${{github.event.issue.number}}LABELS:triage ...
reopened - opened jobs: label_issues: runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: issues: write steps: - run: gh issue edit "$NUMBER" --add-label "$LABELS" env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} GH_REPO: ${{ github.repository }} NUMBER: ${{ github.event.issue.number }} LABELS: ...
For example, in Asp.Net MVC we keep chucking Display attribute on ViewModel properties so HtmlHelper can generate correct labels for us; but, just like enums, in vast majority of cases we just need a space between the words in property name - so why not use "string".Humanize for that?
Access can be based on how long someone has been in the group, how good they are with technology, or which projects they are working on. Fragment a document into pieces. Make it so that different people have access to different parts of the document. Assign one or two people as the ...
Add issue to project board if: contains(github.event.issue.labels.*.name, 'bug') uses: actions/github-script@0.8.0 with: github-token: {% raw %}${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}{% endraw %} script: | github.projects.createCard({ column_id: {{columnID}}, content_id:
• Organize Issues with labels, assignees, projects, and more • Browse your files and code • Discover new and trending repositories ——— Terms of Service:
• Review and merge Pull Requests • Organize Issues with labels, assignees, projects, and more • Browse your files and code • Discover new and trending repositories ——— Terms of Service: ...
contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'bug') with: project: '' column_name: 'Labeled' 清理长时间无人跟进的 Issues 如果一个 Issue 长达 30 天没有更新,那么下面的 workflow 将会再等 5 天,然后将其关闭。
[Feature] add -with-labels arg to inferencer for visualization without… 1年前 docker bumpv1.2.2 (#3475) 1年前 docs fix (#3586) 1年前 mmseg [Fix] bugfix/avoid-runner-iter-in-vis-hook-test-mode (#3596) 12个月前 projects [Feature] add HSI-Drive dataset (#3365)...
Whether projects are enabled. Template Repository Has Wiki? template_repository.has_wiki boolean Whether the wiki is enabled. Template Repository Has Pages? template_repository.has_pages boolean Whether pages are enabled. Template Repository Has Downloads? template_repository.has_downloads boolean Wh...