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Invoking "sudo" Take the first argument passed to this script as the path to the video file (you can use the demo video for ADAS SSD, or similar videos), perform vehicles detection and generate video with detection bbox, and display onto monitor Checking: You should ...
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Zedboard是一款基于Xilinx Zynq技术的嵌入式开发板,它集成了ARM处理器和FPGA,提供了强大的硬件和软件平台,可以用于各种嵌入式应用的开发。而Linux操作系统是一种开源的操作系统内核,具有稳定性和功能丰富性。在Zedboard上运行Linux操作系统,可以实现更加灵活和强大的开发。 在Zedboard上运行Linux操作系统,可以实现各种功能扩...
The dual designs may not function as expected if only one SSD is loaded. If you are using the older version FPGA Drive FMC (Rev-B) with only one M.2 connector, you will not be able to use the dual designs.At the moment there are dual designs for these carriers:...
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