Collaborator JackCaoG commented Jun 10, 2024 lol I guess the point is to move to "main" branch from master but we never completed that... Collaborator JackCaoG commented Jun 10, 2024 @ManfeiBai I remembered you had some prior work to move to main, what;s the progress?
1. 首先,使用git branch命令查看当前本地仓库中的所有分支。找到你想要删除的分支名称。 2. 使用git branch -d branch_name命令删除本地仓库中的分支。其中,branch_name是你要删除的分支的名称。 3. 如果你想要删除远程仓库中的分支,可以使用git push origin –delete branch_name命令。其中,branch_name是你要删...
1. 进入 GitHub 仓库:首先,在浏览器中打开 GitHub,登录您的 GitHub 帐号,然后进入您要删除分支的仓库页面。 2. 切换到“Branches”标签页:在仓库页面上方的导航栏中,点击“Code”按钮旁边的“Branch: main”(如果默认分支不是 main,则会显示其他分支名称),然后在下拉菜单中选择“Branches”选项。 3. 找到要删除...
我的github仓库,有master,main两个分支,我想删除远程的main分支 git push origin --delete main 报错 To ! [remote rejected] main (refusingtodelete the current branch: refs/heads/main) error: failedtopush some refsto''...
The browser interface allows you to delete (and create) remote branches. To do this, you need to navigate to the main page of the repository in your browser and then click the "#branches" link. On the branches overview page, you can then choose a branch to delete: ...
你还可以通过 GitHub UI 中的“操作”选项卡或通过 GitHub API 终结点DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}取消正在进行的工作流运行。 请注意,当你取消工作流运行时,GitHub 将取消该运行中的所有作业和步骤。 使用组织的模板化工作流 ...
cd$KIALI_SOURCES/kiali#Delete the Kiali CR to let the operator remove Kiali.make kiali-delete#If the previous command fails to complete, the following command forces removal by bypassing the operator#make kiali-purge#Remove the operator#NOTE: After this is completed, the `kiali-create` and `...
此containerapp github-action delete命令从容器应用中删除 GitHub Actions。 Bash PowerShell Azure CLI az containerapp github-action delete\--resource-group<RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>\--name<CONTAINER_APP_NAME>\--token<YOUR_GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN> ...
使用以下命令将master分支移到main: git branch -m master main 使用以下命令将新命名的main分支推送到GitHub(假设这是您的远程存储库): git push origin main 使用以下命令将HEAD指向main:git symbolic-ref refs / remotes / origin / HEAD refs / remotes / origin / main ...