$ git branch -d <local-branch> To delete aremotebranch, you need to use the "git push" command: $ git push origin --delete <remote-branch-name> The Git Cheat Sheet No need to remember all those commands and parameters: get our popular "Git Cheat Sheet" - for free!
Of course, you candelete a remote branch using Git. But if you are relying on GitHub, you can also delete a branch directly from GitHub web interface in very simple steps. Here's how to that. Deleting a branch on GitHub Go to your Repository and click on the branch button at the top...
If you decide to delete a branch, it's probably because you are done using it and you no longer want it to be a distraction when you are working within a repository. That said, there are situations where you may end up deciding after the fact that you didn't actually want to delete...
1. 首先,使用git branch命令查看当前本地仓库中的所有分支。找到你想要删除的分支名称。 2. 使用git branch -d branch_name命令删除本地仓库中的分支。其中,branch_name是你要删除的分支的名称。 3. 如果你想要删除远程仓库中的分支,可以使用git push origin –delete branch_name命令。其中,branch_name是你要删...
在最后一步,是时候将您的更改集中在一起了,将readme-edits分支合并到master分支中: 单击绿色的“Merge pull request”按钮。 单击确认合并。 继续并删除分支,因为已经合并了更改,因此在紫色框中单击“Delete branch”按钮。 恭喜!您已经学会了创建项目并在GitHub上发出拉取请求! ·END·...
首先进入master分支:gitcheckout master查看已有的本地及远程分支:gitbranch-a删除远程分支:gitpush origin --delete Su-modify删除后,可再次查看分支情况:gitbranch-a删除本地分支:gitbranch-dSu-modify 若分支有修改还未合并,会提示你还没合并。 强行删除本地分支:git ...
在拉取请求底部附近,单击Delete branch(删除分支)。 如果此分支当前有打开的拉取请求,则不显示此按钮。 恢复已删除分支 可恢复已关闭拉取请求的头部分支。 在GitHub Enterprise Server 上,导航到仓库的主页面。 在仓库名称下,单击Pull requests(拉取请求)。
删除项目中的多余分支 命令行: git push origin :分支名称 当前我的分支名称为stars,则直接输入当前命令就行 删除github上创建的多余仓库 先进入当前github上的仓库中,点击当前项目中的settings 进去滑到最下面,点击delete this repository 再刷新项目,则当前仓库就没有了...
$ git branch -d <local-branch> To delete aremotebranch, you need to use the "git push" command: $ git push origin --delete <remote-branch-name> The Git Cheat Sheet No need to remember all those commands and parameters: get our popular "Git Cheat Sheet" - for free!