Swift ClientApp for KrizikPedFUznaniPredmetu sassangularuniversityscssangular7highschool-projectclientapp UpdatedApr 8, 2019 HTML Add a description, image, and links to theclientapptopic page so that developers can more easily learn about it....
Named this App to CoderPub Github is programmer's facebook, Coder's Pub. Coder Publish his code/mind at Github. This is an unofficial, open source, base on Github API Github Client on Android platform, with MVP architecture use Dagger2, RxJava, Retrofit, Okhttp... CoderPub 中文说明 Previ...
bundleexecpod install 在使用源码前,需要 Github 的账户下创建一个 OAuth Application,具体请参考官方文档Creating an OAuth App; 创建 OAuth Application 后,获得Client ID和Client Secret ZLGithubClient 使用Bugly和Firebase作为分析工具,因此需要创建对应应用并获取Bugly App Id和GoogleService-Info.plist 将GoogleService...
详情请参考1. Client for GitHub,是的,你没看错,这两款应用一模一样,但是作者不一样,有兴趣的自己查吧,这是Google Play上的说明: ForkHub is a open source GitHub client that started off as a fork of the official Android app from GitHub after they abandoned it, and has since seen lots of imp...
iPhone Description ZLGithubClient是基于Github REST API V3 和 GraphQL API V4 开发的开源客户端。 基本功能如下: 1. 搜索需要的开源repository和想要了解的开发者 2. 支持浏览每日/周/月开源repository和开发者趋势榜单 3. 支持浏览开源仓库的基本信息,包括commits,issues,watchers,pull requests等等,支持fork,watch...
az ad app create --display-name myApp 此命令将返回 JSON,其中 appId 为你的 client-id。 保存该值,稍后将其用作 AZURE_CLIENT_ID GitHub 机密。 使用图形 API 创建联合凭据时,将使用 objectId 值,并将其引用为 APPLICATION-OBJECT-ID。 创建服务主体。 将 $appID 替换为 JSON 输出中的 appId。 此命令...
An elegent Android Client for Github. Apk is available in Github. This material design style App is built with dagger2+Retrofit+RxJava and MVP architecture. Why I create this app? I love Github very much. I want to discover some remarkabe projects or something new in Github with my phone...
import android.webkit.WebViewClient; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import android.net.http.SslError; import android.os.Bundle; import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity; import android.webkit.SslErrorHandler; ...
ZLGithubClient is an open source client based on the GitHub REST API V3 and GraphQl API V4. The basic functions are as follows: 1. Search for open source repositories and developers you want to know 2. Support daily/weekly/monthly open source repository and developer trending list ...
{ "clientId": "<GUID>", "clientSecret": "<GUID>", "subscriptionId": "<GUID>", "tenantId": "<GUID>", (...) } 重要 授予最低访问权限始终是一种很好的做法。 上一个示例中的范围仅限于特定的应用服务应用而不是整个资源组。 配置GitHub 机密 ...