详情请参考1. Client for GitHub,是的,你没看错,这两款应用一模一样,但是作者不一样,有兴趣的自己查吧,这是Google Play上的说明: ForkHub is a open source GitHub client that started off as a fork of the official Android app from GitHub after they abandoned it, and has since seen lots of imp...
2. **Clone Locally**: Clone the forked repository to your local machine using a Git client. ```sh git clone https://github.com/siddiqus/app-settings ``` 3. **Create a New Branch**: Always work on a new branch, giving it a descriptive name. ```sh git checkout -b new-feature...
settings.gradle Repository files navigation README Apache-2.0 license CoderPub Named this App to CoderPub Github is programmer's facebook, Coder's Pub. Coder Publish his code/mind at Github. This is an unofficial, open source, base on Github API Github Client on Android platform, with MVP ...
az ad app create --display-name myApp 這個指令會傳回 JSON,其中包含 appId 您的client-id。 儲存值以稍後作為 AZURE_CLIENT_ID GitHub 秘密。 使用圖形 API 建立同盟認證時,您使用 objectId 值,並將其作為 APPLICATION-OBJECT-ID 加以參考。 建立服務主體。 將 $appID 取代為您 JSON 輸出中的 appId。
az ad app create--display-namemyApp このコマンドは、appIdが自分のclient-idである JSON を返します。 後でAZURE_CLIENT_IDの GitHub シークレットとして使用する値を保存します。 このobjectId値は、Graph API でフェデレーション資格情報を作成するときに使用し、APPLICATION-OBJECT-IDとして参...
The Git client that brings all of Git and GitHub's power to the desktop, for Mac and Windows. Offers Offer Free license for Tower Pro while you are a student. Tags Developer tools Get help at Tower support Travis CI About Travis CI Continuous integration platform for open source and pr...
GitKraken Desktop is the most popular Git client for Windows, Mac & Linux, offering both a GUI and terminal interface. Deep integration with GitHub repos and issues enable interactive pull request management and issue management directly in the client. Offers Offer Free GitKraken Pro license, enabli...
Before you can use the Octokit.rb library to make API calls, you'll need to initialize anOctokit clientauthenticated as a GitHub App. Theauthenticate_apphelper method does just that! # Instantiate an Octokit client authenticated as a GitHub App.# GitHub App authentication requires that...
Per-client (device) configuration ✅ ✅ Access settings (choose who can use AGH DNS) ✅ ❌ Running without root privileges ✅ ❌ How does AdGuard Home compare to traditional ad blockers It depends. "DNS sinkholing" is capable of blocking a big percentage of ads, but it lacks fle...
curl -L \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \ -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ https://api.github.com/app Response Example responseResponse schema Status: 200 { "id": 1, "slug": "octoapp", "client_id": "Iv1.ab11122...