Actions Runner Controller (ARC) 是一个 Kubernetes Operator,它为 GitHub Actions 提供自托管 runners 的编排和扩展能力。通过 ARC,你可以创建自动根据仓库、组织或企业中正在运行的工作流数量自动扩展的 runner 缩放集。得益于其容器化的设计,这些自托管 runners 可以快速动态地扩展或收缩,为 CI/CD 流水线提供灵...
Job: 在GitHub Actions中,Job是一个持续集成运行中的任务单元,代表一次持续集成的运行,可以完成多个任务。一个Workflow由一个或多个Jobs构成,而每个Job由多个Steps构成,一步步完成具体的操作。 Step:一步步的运行操作 Runners:运行器是在触发时运行工作流程的服务器。 GitHub Action 流程 触发条件 触发条件 有很多,可...
The runner is the application that runs a job from a GitHub Actions workflow. It is used by GitHub Actions in the hosted virtual environments, or you can self-host the runner in your own environment. Get Started For more information about installing and using self-hosted runners, see Adding...
Runners: A server that has the GHA runner application installed Figure 1. An example of GitHub Actions components 02 GitHub Action (GHA) runners Since there are some articles published around the risks of secrets, injections, and using third-party actions, ...
For syntax examples using other runners, see "GitHub Actions 的工作流语法" steps: Groups together all the steps that run in the check-bats-version job. Each item nested under this section is a separate action or shell script. - uses: actions/checkout@v4 The uses keyword speci...
GitHub provides Linux, Windows, and macOS virtual machines to run your workflows, or you can host your own self-hosted runners in your own data center or cloud infrastructure. The components of GitHub Actions You can configure a GitHub Actions workflow to be triggered when an event occurs in ...
We briefly mentioned runners as being associated with a job. A runner is simply a server that has the GitHub Actions runner application installed. In the previous workflow example, there was aruns-on: ubuntu-latestattribute within the jobs block, which told the workflow that the job will ...
• 运行器(Runners):执行工作流的虚拟机环境,可以是GitHub托管的或者自托管的。 • 操作(Actions):在步骤中使用的独立命令,可重用,由GitHub社区或者个人开发者创建。 构建CI/CD流程的步骤 构建CI/CD流程通常涉及以下几个步骤: 1. 代码构建:将源代码编译成可执行的程序或者库。 2. 自动化测试:运行一系列的测...
GitHub Actions for Java GitHub Actions for Docker Workflows run in Linux, macOS, Windows, and containers on GitHub-hosted machines, called ‘runners’. Alternatively, you can also host your own runners to run workflows on machines you own or manage. For more information see, “About self-hoste...
Service to manage github Actions self-hosted runners ciactionsself-hostedrunnersplatform-engineeringgithub-actions UpdatedNov 25, 2024 Python TomWright/grace Sponsor Star6 Easy graceful shutdowns in your go applications. runnershutdowngraceful-shutdowngracefulgracefullyrunners ...