这里的 Runner 指的是 GitHub Actions 的运行环境,也就是.github/workflows文件夹下 yaml 中指令的运行环境。这里主要添加主机 Runner,如果是添加容器或者KubernetesRunner ,需要将 actions-runner 打包到镜像中,然后运行接入 GitHub Actions,在其他方面没有差别。 首先进入项目,在 Settings 页面中,找到 Actions 。 点击...
The runner is the application that runs a job from a GitHub Actions workflow. It is used by GitHub Actions in the hosted virtual environments, or you can self-host the runner in your own environment. Get Started For more information about installing and using self-hosted runners, see Adding...
⚙️💻 A macOS app that makes it a breeze to manage multiple GitHub Actions runners in ephemeral virtual machines on a single host machine. The benefits are that runners can run in parallel, and each job runs in an isolated environment. ...
配置本地服务器 新建Runner地址https://github.com/XXXX/settings/actions/add-new-runner 选择相应的系统,在终端中执行Download和Configure操作 需要注意的是: Download失败大概率是网络代理问题,可以尝试使用代理 可以使用浏览器等第三方工具下载需要的压缩文件,然后放入对应文件目录直接执行解压 Configure Token失效导致失...
由于GitHub Actions runner 在4天前进行了更新,导致部分用户无法运行新打出来的包。为了解决这一问题,我们建议您安装最新版本的两个运行库。 即使您现在能够正常运行,仍然强烈建议重新安装以下运行库以确保稳定性。 下载链接: VC++ 运行库: https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe ...
Actions Runner Controller (ARC) 是 Kubernetes 运算符,用于协调和缩放 GitHub Actions 的自托管运行器。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Kubernetes 文档中的运算符模式。使用ARC,可以创建运行器规模集,以便根据存储库、组织或企业中运行的工作流数量自动缩放。 受控的运行器可以是临时且基于容器的运行器,因...
您可以使用带有-Wait\n选项的 Start-Process 或使用 -PassThru 获取句柄并调用.WaitForExit()on\n 来等待它完成。\n\n It worked for me! With those commands, I could execute the .msi file to install the software, then use it afterwards in my github actions workflow to perform my tests!\n...
我的Github Actions 工作流程: Warning: The requested image's platform (linux/arm64/v8) does not match the detected host platform (linux/amd64) and no specific platform was requested--->Runningin025f2d97f759exec /bin/sh: exec format error ...
We recommend running production workloads in isolation. GitHub Actions workflows are designed to run arbitrary code, and using a shared Kubernetes cluster for production workloads could pose a security risk. Ensure you have impl...
首先,我检查了我的 GitHub Actions 设置,确保我已经配置了 runners,并且有足够的可用 runners。然后我检查了我的工作流程文件,确保它没有任何语法错误。但是这些步骤都没有解决我的问题。 runner 是由 runs-on 指定的,所以我尝试将 runs-on 的版本从 18 升到了 22,问题解决了。