name:publish python package to PyPIon:# 这里我设置了两个事件,一般的push tag以v开头,用来测试发布,而release用来正式发布release:types:[published]push:# Alternative: only build for tags.tags:-'v*'jobs:# Build the documentation and upload the static HTML files as an artifact.build_wheels:# 这里...
每次release新包的时候,我们可以利用GitHub Actions自动构建,发布到pypi 使用pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish发布 .github/workflows/python-publish.yml # name: Upload Python Package on: release: types: [published] permissions: conten...
python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install setuptools wheel twine# 构建和发布-name:Buildandpublishenv:TWINE_USERNAME:${{secrets.PYPI_USERNAME}}TWINE_PASSWORD:${{secrets.PYPI_PASSWORD}}run:| python sdist bdist_wheel twine upload dist/* action工作流文件解读 通过事件触发工作流程 Gi...
在创建tag,并把它推送到GitHub后,GitHub Actions自动构建,然后将python包发布到pypi。 问题描述: 在此之前,我是使用以下代码来实现的 -name:Publishdistribution📦toTestPyPI uses:pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@master with: password:${{secrets.PYPI_API_TOKEN}} repository_url: ...
- name: Publish package run: poetry publish --build # For testing locally, replace pypi with testpypi # - run: poetry config repositories.testpypi # - run: poetry config pypi-token.testpypi ${{ secrets.PYPI_API_TOKEN }} # - name: Publish package # run...
# - name: Build project for distribution run: poetry build working-directory: ${{ inputs.working-directory }} - name: Upload build uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: dist path: ${{ inputs.working-directory }}/dist/ -...
接著開啟剛剛 Fork 的專案,並於Setting中設定剛剛建立的帳號密碼,並按第三步的建立,將PYPI_USERNAME以及PYPI_PASSWORD填入剛剛設定得對應值。 在加入部署 Actions 環節中的圖片,會有 Publish Python Package 的按鈕,但若你不小心把網頁關掉了也沒關係,以下提供一份 gist,在.github/workflows裡建立一個publish.yml並...
Most Recent PyPI Version tkinter Qt Web WxPython What Is PySimpleGUI PySimpleGUI is a Python package that enables Python programmers of all levels to create GUIs. You specify your GUI window using a "layout" which contains widgets (they're called "Elements" in PySimpleGUI). Your layout is...
最后,Publish PyPI Action 自动打包并发布新版本的 Python 包到 PyPI。 通过这个自动化流程,开发者可以节省大量的时间和精力,提高代码质量,并快速将新功能和修复发布给用户。 实际应用 有兴趣的可以看这个pr
Docker操作需要元数据文件。元数据文件名必须是action.yml或者action.yaml. 元数据文件中的数据定义操作的输入、输出和主入口点。操作文件使用YAML语法。name: "PyCaret AutoML Git Action"description: "A simple example of AutoML created using PyCaret 2.0"author: "Moez Ali"inputs: DATASET: description: ...