LLMCompiler is an Agent Architecture designed to speed up the execution of agent tasks by executing them quickly in the DAG. It also saves the cost of redundant token use by reducing the number of calls to the LLM. - Publish Python package to PyPI · Wo
PyPI Your Uploaded Package Your package is published, is publicly available on PyPI, and also available as a dependency through Poetry as well. You can add your own published package as a dependency in your other Python projects. Note:You can build and publish your package to ...
An action to build and publish python package to PyPI, TestPyPI or a private wheels repo using poetry. Inputs python_version The version of python to install (default: latest). Use default for a shorter build time. poetry_version The version of poetry to install (default: latest). pypi_...
To run the test, add a doctest run configuration: go to Run Configuration, and add a Python Tests | Doctests configuration. Then you can specify the path in several ways, I’ve chosen to configure it to look in my package’s folder. Afterwards you can run the tests and verify that th...
python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install build - name: Build package run: python -m build - name: Publish package # https://github.com/pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@27b31702a0e7fc50959f5ad993c78deac1bdfc29 ...
Create a Small Python Package In this section, you’ll get to know a small Python package that you can use as an example that can be published to PyPI. If you already have your own package that you’re looking to publish, then feel free to skim this section and join up again at the...
创建package pythonsetup.pysdistbdist_whell 测试 pip install . x-transform-coordinate.exe -h 初设化配置文件config.py... usage: x-transform-coordinate [-h] [-c] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c, --config 填写配置信息 ...
https://pypi.org/project/poetry/ Why? Packaging systems and dependency management in Python are rather convoluted and hard to understand for newcomers. Even for seasoned developers it might be cumbersome at times to create all files needed in a Python project:setup.py,requirements.txt,setup.cfg,...
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel Run the following command to publish your package. Use the -r REPOSITORY_NAME flag to ensure that your private packages are not accidentally published to PyPI. Copy twine upload -r REPOSITORY_NAME dist/* Important...
'- task:TwineAuthenticate@1inputs:artifactFeed:<PROJECT_NAME/FEED_NAME>## For an organization-scoped feed, use: artifactFeed: <FEED_NAME>displayName:'Twine Authenticate'- script:| python -m twine upload -r <FEED_NAME> --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH) dist/*.whldisplayName:'Upload to feed...