git config --global --get git config --global --get 如果这些命令现在返回了正确的信息,那么说明你已经成功设置了Git用户信息,并且问题应该已经得到解决。 希望这些步骤能帮助你解决“git user is not defined”的问题。如果问题仍然存在,请检查是否有其他配置或环境问题影响了Git的设置。
idea 提交代码到gitlab 但提示git user name is not defined,我们在日常使用Git的过程中经常会发生一些意外情况,如果处理不当,则可能会出现代码丢失的假象。本文将针对IDEA&Git日常开发中的一些场景,为你层层拨开迷雾,解析常见的错误及其发生原因,让你从此不再惧
首先在你选择要提交的项目上点击右键,选择Open in,再选择Exploer,找到项目位置。 在项目文件上点击右键,选择Git Bash Here 输入命令: git config 后面写你要输入的用户名;git config 邮箱 再次提交就OK了发布于 2024-01-04 17:59・IP 属地四川...
我dowm代码的时候不是输入过账号密码了吗,还有email 然后我就输入了账号密码 对 email输入的密码 然后就行了,强啊idea
就是在项目文件夹下找到.git文件夹,然后用nodepad++打开里面的config文件,添加如下代码:[user]name = XXX(自己的名称)email = XXXX(邮箱)
51CTO博客已为您找到关于git user name is not defined的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及git user name is not defined问答内容。更多git user name is not defined相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
User-specific configuration files. When the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable is not set or empty, $HOME/.config/ is used as $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. These are also called "global" configuration files. If both files exist, both files are read in the order given above. $GIT_DIR/config Repos...
Do not keep commits that start empty before the rebase (i.e. that do not change anything from its parent) in the result. The default is to keep commits which start empty, since creating such commits requires passing the--allow-emptyoverride flag togit commit, signifying that a user is ve...
Integration Tutorials Create a Jenkins Pipeline Environments Infrastructure Educational Services GitLab Product Training for Customer Success GitLab Quick Start for New Customers Initiatives Partners Product Usage Reporting Vision Professional Services Team Handbook Public Sector Renewa...
sudo usermod -aG gitlab-www www-data Templates The configuration files are similar to thebundled GitLab NGINX configuration, with these differences: Passenger configuration is used instead of Puma. HTTPS is not enabled by default, but you can enable it. ...