我dowm代码的时候不是输入过账号密码了吗,还有email 然后我就输入了账号密码 对 email输入的密码 然后就行了,强啊idea
git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支6 标签0 Brian DouglasMerge pull request #3781 from GrpeApple/ma...b0012e44年前 3329 次提交 .github Trim trailing whitespace 7年前 Global Merge pull request #3326 from dsrini-open/aws-changes ...
If you want to personalize your submission template can be set in the settings, the template engine here uses velocity If you want to change the type of submission, you can change it in settings License Licensed under theApache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this ...
Thus, the user information provided during your first Git setup (per machine) is used for properly crediting your code contributions. Issue the following commands to setup your Git user. git config --global user.name "Your Name": Set your Git username globally. git config --global user....
ktlintRuleset("com.github.username:rulseset:main-SNAPSHOT") ktlintRuleset(files("/path/to/custom/rulseset.jar")) ktlintRuleset(project(":chore:project-ruleset")) } Setting reports output directory It is possible also to define different from default output directory for generated reports (by defa...
( TMVCDefaultAuthenticationHandler.New .SetOnAuthentication( procedure(const AUserName, APassword: string; AUserRoles: TList<string>; var IsValid: Boolean; const ASessionData: TDictionary<String, String>) begin IsValid := AUserName.Equals('dmvc') and APassword.Equals('123'); end ) )); ...
DOCKER_REPO_HOSTNAMEOnly needed if not using DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG. URL to docker repository, i.e.harbor.ctic-dev.com DOCKER_REPO_USERNAMEOnly needed if not using DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG. Username for that repository DOCKER_REPO_PASSWORDOnly needed if not using DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG. Password for that ...
AUTH_USERNAME_FIELD becomes DAST_USERNAME_FIELD. AUTH_PASSWORD_FIELD becomes DAST_PASSWORD_FIELD. DAST_ZAP_USE_AJAX_SPIDER becomes DAST_USE_AJAX_SPIDER. DAST_FULL_SCAN_DOMAIN_VALIDATION_REQUIRED will be removed, since the feature is being removed. Planned removal date: Jun 22, 2021 Default Bro...
myusername@computer:~$ sudo update-alternatives --config c++ [sudo] password for user: There are 2 choices for the alternative c++ (providing /usr/bin/c++). Selection Path Priority Status --- * 0 /usr/bin/g++ 20 auto mode 1 /usr/bin/clang++ 10 manual mode 2 /usr/bin/g...
nuget source Add -Name -Source "https://gitlab.example.com /api/v4/projects/<your_project_id>/packages/nuget/index.json" -UserName <gitlab_username or deploy_token_username> -Password <gitlab_personal_access_token or deploy_token> This works great if you have a small number of proje...