git checkout branch_name“` 将`branch_name`替换成需要更新的本地分支的名称。 3. 合并远程分支的更新到本地分支 “`git merge origin/branch_name“` 这将把远程分支`origin/branch_name`的更新合并到当前本地分支。 4. 提交本地分支的更新 “`git push origin branch_name“` 将本地分支的更新提交到...
Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 123 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) Please,commityour changesorstash them before you can merge. 这个意思是说更新下来的内容和本地修改的内容有冲突,先提交你的改变或者先将本地修改暂时存储起来。 一.处理...
andcanbefast-forwarded.(use"git pull"toupdateyourlocalbranch)Changestobecommitted:(use"git reset HEAD <file>..."tounstage)newfile:to_boss.txt$gitcommit-m"[*]夸了我的boss"[master8be46aa][*]夸了我的boss1filechanged,1insertion(+)createmode100644to_boss.txt...
git push remoteName localBranchName:RemoteBranchName 更新2018-07-18 删除分支的时候,tag和branch重名 You can push the fullbranchrefspec: git push origin:refs/heads/3.0.0# shorter:git push origin:heads/...
This will display the status of your local branch, including whether it is up to date or behind the remote branch. If it is behind, you can use `git pull` to update your local branch. These are some of the ways you can check for updates in remote branches using Git. By regularly ch...
git branch yoyo2 git checkout yoyo2 删除本地分支 如果上面的某个分支不想要了,想删掉本地的分支,在删除分支的时候, 我们会使用git branch —delete 分支名称 来执行. —delete缩写就是-d,可以使用 git branch -d 分支名称来代替 -d 是—delete的缩写,在使用—delete删除分支时,该分支必须完全和它的上游分...
git branch -a git获取本地全部分支列表 git branch git基于分支新建分支 git checkout -b newbranch origin/xxbranch git提交本地分支到远程指定分支 git push origin localbranch:remotebranch 查看commit的历史 git log 查看最新的commit Id git rev-parse HEAD ...
refs/heads/<remote-branch> # 或者 $ git push <remote> refs/heads/<local-branch>:<remote-branch> $ git push <remote> heads/<local-branch>:<remote-branch> $ git push <remote> <local-branch>:<remote-branch> # 或者 $ git push <remote> <branch> # 或者(推送当前分支) $ git push <...
Git pull 【remoteName】[localBranchName] #推送远程仓库: Git push 【remoteName】[localBranchName] #提交本地test 分支作为远程的master分支 Git push origin test:master #提交本地test 分支作为远程的test分支 Git push origin test:test 分支(branch)操作相关命令 ...
! [new branch] lozen/remux -> origin/lozen/remux (unable to update local ref) error: cannot lock ref 'refs/remotes/origin/lozen/tc': 'refs/remotes/origin/lozen' exists; cannot create 'refs/remotes/origin/lozen/tc' ! [new branch] lozen/tc -> origin/lozen/tc (unable to update local ...