After changing the name, you must push the new name of the local Branch with the -u option. This will link the checked out (and renamed) branch up with the original remote repository and its corresponding newly named/renamed remote tracking as well on Git Version Control System. The command...
我们不使用:语法-pull总是修改当前 checkout 的分支。
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remotechanges(e.g. hint:'git pull ...')before pushing again. 原因:本地和远程仓库代码不同步,因此需要先pull,进行合并然后再进行push git pull --rebase origin master git push...
which means, “Take myserverfixlocal branch and push it to update the remote’sserverfixbranch.” We’ll go over therefs/heads/part in detail inGit Internals, but you can generally leave it off. You can also dogit push origin serverfix:serverfix...
For example, Git will apply a fast-forward merge on a local branch that you only update by pulling from its remote counterpart branch.A no-fast-forward merge generates a new target branch "merge commit" that integrates source branch changes with target branch changes. The applicable changes ...
Which worked, with the changes committed on that branch applied to the site. But now after testing and checking the site I want to switch the site back to the master branch. I had (wrongly expected that I could run git pull origin master ...
有时会遇到git branch -a时总是不出现新的分支或者远程已经没有的分支在本地还有,这时就需要更新下本地的git分支保持和远程分支一致,使用下面命令即可: git remote update origin --prune git config修改用户名和邮箱 git config --global [username] git config --global [email] git通过...
On branch master Your branch is aheadof'origin/master'by1commit.(use"git push"to publish your local commits)Changes to be committed:(use"git reset HEAD <file>..."to unstage)deleted:file1.txt $ git commit-m"[-]delete file1.txt"[master e278392][-]deletefile1.txt1file changed,0inserti...
Before pushing your changes, sync with the remote and make sure your local copy of the repository is up to date to avoid conflicts. DataGrip allows you to upload changes from any branch to its tracked branch or to any other remote branch. Do one of the following: To push changes from ...
branch that isn't listed. In the next example, there's only the main branch on the local repository and the main on the remote repository. If there would be another remote branch, you can just select that branch, and it automatically creates a local branch linked to that remote branch. ...