$git checkout--track origin/serverfix Branch serverfixsetuptotrack remote branch refs/remotes/origin/serverfix. Switchedtoanewbranch"serverfix" To set up a local branch with a different name than the remote branch, you can easily use the first version with a different local branch name: $git...
$ git checkout -b <branch> --track <remote>/<branch> # 例子,本地为远程分支CkaiGrac-PYMO创建的新分支名为yeshan,push时需要注意git checkout -b yeshan --track origin/CkaiGrac-PYMO tips:使用git checkout -t <remote/branch>默认会在本地建立一个和远程分支名字一样的分支 reference...
git在idea上拉取或者push的时候 出现的错误 No tracked branch configured for branch master or the branch doesn't exist. To make your branch track a remote branch call, for example, 本地分支没有跟远程分支建立关联 执行命令 git branch --track gitlab/master master 其中 在gitlab/master中 gitlab为...
(我太难了🙃),又到了查文档的时候了,一波操作过后了解到git checkout是有restore working tree files的功能的,可以用来restore remote branch,比如使用以下命令在本地创建个新分支track远程分支: $ git checkout -b <branch> --track <remote>/<branch> # 例子,本地为远程分支CkaiGrac-PYMO创建的新分支名为...
git checkout -b <localbranch> [--track] <remote>/<branch> 本地分支已存在,建立或更新上游追踪 git branch -u <remote>/<branch> [<localbranch>] 省略localbranch时使用当前branch。 本地分支已存在,在推送的同时建立或更新追踪关系 git push -u <remote> <localbranch>:<remotebranch> ...
要设置追踪分支(track branch),可以使用Git命令行或者Git图形界面进行操作。 方法一:使用Git命令行1. 打开命令行终端(Command Prompt、Git Bash等)。2. 进入你的Git仓库所在的目录。3. 使用以下命令查看所有分支: “` git branch -a “` 这将列出所有本地和远程分支。4. 选择你想要设置为追踪分支的远程分支,...
Switchedtoanewbranch'dev'Branch'dev'setuptotrack remote branch'release/test'from'origin'. 查看本地分支及追踪的分支 git branch -vv命令可以显示本地所有分支,执行结果如下: $ git branch -vv * dev e67e3ef [origin/release/test]master11160c2 [origin/master: behind5]Mergebranch'master'ofhttps://xxx...
“master” is the default name for a starting branch when you rungit initwhich is the only reason it’s widely used, “origin” is the default name for a remote when you rungit clone. If you rungit clone -o booyahinstead, then you will havebooyah/masteras your default remote branch....
Then to checkout the branch you want, and to tell Git to track it to the remote branch via the -t argument, use the following command: $ git checkout -t <remote-repo>/<remote-branch> Not specifying a local branch name will use the same name as the remote branch. Of course, you...
$ git branch [branch-name]创建新的分支$ git branch [-r | --track] [本地分支名] [远程仓库名]/[远程分支名]创建追踪分支$ git branch查看所有分支$ git branch -a查看当前的版本库当中有哪些分支, 包含远程仓库的所有分支$ git branch -r仅看所有远程分支$ git branch -v要查看各个分支最后一个提交...