git checkout 远程分支error 比如我有一个远程分支origin/test,正常情况下git checkout test的输出应该是 Branch'test'setup to track remote branch'test'from'origin'. Switched to anewbranch'test' 但是我这里输出的是 error: pathspec'test' didnotmatch anyfile(s) knowntogit. 原因是我这里有两个远程都有...
$ git checkout -b <branch> --track <remote>/<branch> # 例子,本地为远程分支CkaiGrac-PYMO创建的新分支名为yeshan,push时需要注意git checkout -b yeshan --track origin/CkaiGrac-PYMO tips:使用git checkout -t <remote/branch>默认会在本地建立一个和远程分支名字一样的分支 reference...
(我太难了🙃),又到了查文档的时候了,一波操作过后了解到git checkout是有restore working tree files的功能的,可以用来restore remote branch,比如使用以下命令在本地创建个新分支track远程分支: $ git checkout -b <branch> --track <remote>/<branch> # 例子,本地为远程分支CkaiGrac-PYMO创建的新分支名为...
(我太难了🙃),又到了查文档的时候了,一波操作过后了解到git checkout是有restore working tree files的功能的,可以用来restore remote branch,比如使用以下命令在本地创建个新分支track远程分支: $ git checkout -b <branch> --track <remote>/<branch> # 例子,本地为远程分支CkaiGrac-PYMO创建的新分支名为...
git branch <localbranch> [--track] <remote>/<branch> 起点为远程分支时--track可省略。 本地分支不存在,创建追踪分支,同时切换到该分支 # 指定的branch名称不会出现在多个remote中导致歧义时 git switch <branch> git checkout <branch> # 使用远程分支名称作为本地分支名 ...
$ git checkout -b <branch> --track <remote>/<branch> You could omit<branch>, in which case the command degenerates to "check out the current branch", which is a glorified no-op with rather expensive side-effects to show only the tracking information, if it exists, for the current br...
git checkout 远程分支error git参考文献远程分支云计算 比如我有一个远程分支origin/test,正常情况下git checkout test的输出应该是 Branch 'test' set up to track remote branch 'test' from 'origin'. Switched to a new branch 'test'...
方法一:使用`git checkout`命令切换远程分支 1. 首先,使用`git remote -v`命令查看远程仓库的信息,确定你想要切换的远程分支所属的远程仓库。 2. 然后,使用`git fetch`命令从远程仓库获取最新的分支信息。 3. 接下来,使用`git branch -r`命令查看所有远程分支的列表。
$ git checkout-b<branch>--track<remote>/<branch> 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 # 例子,本地为远程分支CkaiGrac-PYMO创建的新分支名为yeshan,push时需要注意 git checkout-b yeshan--track origin/CkaiGrac-PYMO ...
To checkout a remote branch you can do this from the Branches tab on Manage Branches and Remotes Page by clicking the “New” button. Then a dialog appears where you can select the remote branch and choose to track that branch. If you have any issue or question in...