git submodule sync命令用于更新本地仓库中记录的子模块URL,以匹配.gitmodules文件中的配置。 在执行git submodule update --init --recursive之前,先运行git submodule sync可能有助于解决URL不匹配的问题。 重新尝试运行git submodule update --init --recursive: 在确认以上步骤都正确无误后,重新运行git submodule...
Use -f if you really want to add it. git submodule add -fhttp://XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.git'XXXXXX/XXXXXX/XXXXXX/' (注意选定目录前面没有/ ,否则会出错) 如果出现:fatal: not a git repository cd当相关目录直接git init 继续执行1,2,3的操作...
git submodule add I get the error: fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git If there is another step required for this (such as creating a git repository) it might be rather useful if the instruction...
//第一步,初始化git init//第二步,拉取,后面推荐使用ssh地址git submodule add (+地址) --- git submodule update --init --recursive 下拉子模块 --- 报错: fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git 原因:没有初始化 解决: git init...
[git]执行remote add时报错:fatal: Not a git repository 执行git remote add命令时报这个错误: fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git 原因: 当前所在的目录不是一个git目录,要么切换目录到你想添加的git目录下,或者在当前目录下初始化一个git目录:git init...
git-submodule - Initialize, update or inspect submodules SYNOPSIS git submodule[--quiet] [--cached]git submodule[--quiet] add [<options>] [--] <repository> [<path>]git submodule[--quiet] status [--cached] [--recursive] [--] [<path>…]git submodule[--quiet] init [--] [<path... git-svn.perl git-zlib.c git-zlib.h git.c gpg-interface.c gpg-interface.h graph.c graph.h grep.c grep.h hash-lookup.c hash-lookup.h hash.h hashmap.c hashmap.h help.c help.h hex-ll.c hex-ll.h ...
简单来说,git submodule的核心就是这个.gitmodules文件,下面介绍常用的相关git命令,看看具体怎么操作。 二. 添加submodule 直接在自己的git的cmd或者bash界面,输入git submodule add 要拉取的子模块的url 想要存放的相对路径,就可以在自己的git仓库里添加别的仓库作为submodule了: ...
Let’s start by adding an existing Git repository as a submodule of the repository that we’re working on. To add a new submodule you use thegit submodule addcommand with the absolute or relative URL of the project you would like to start tracking. In this example, we’ll add a library...
$ cd git-submodule-demo/ $ git init Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/atlassian/git-submodule-demo/.git/ This sequence of commands will create a new directorygit-submodule-demo, enter that directory, and initialize it as a new repository. Next we will add a submodule to this fresh...