git add出现 "fatal: in unpopulated submodule XXX" 错误# 其中"XXX" 是从另一个第三方仓库克隆的,解决办法如下: 打开git bash # 执行命令:git rm -rf --cachedXXX# 再 add 即可成功gitaddXXX
git纠错 git add出现 “fatal: in unpopulated submodule XXX” 错误: 当前处于:F:\217my_optLogs\001系统相关\系统设计\007\oschina\\themes下面有目录2个: hexo-theme-matery landscape 因为hexo-theme-matery是从另一个第三方的仓库克隆的,在执行git add的时候"fatal: in unpopulated submod...
而./ 下有一文件夹 命名为“A”,A/ 有之前建立的仓库,我在 ./ 下add commit push 后发现远程仓库内并没有A/的内容,于是我在 A/ 下执行 ”git add .” 提示:“in unpopulated submodule ‘A’ ”(翻译为”在一个无人居住的子模块“,感觉意思是说位于子模块下,无法 add 0.0) 解决方法是: 删除A/...
git add出现 “fatal: in unpopulated submodule XXX” 错误: 下面有目录2个: smartpavo landscape 因为hexo-theme-matery是从另一个第三方的仓库克隆的,在执行git add的时候"fatal: in unpopulated submodule smartpavo" 错误 解决办法,在当前目录打开git bash,执行: git rm -rf --cached smartpavo git add sm...
Git submodule is a way to include a Git repository as a subdirectory within another Git repository. It allows you to keep a separate repository for a specific component or library that you want to include in your project. Here's how it works: ...
A Submodule is a Git Repository inside another Git Repository. This embedded Git Repository can be managed independently and will have its own Git workflow. We can also use this embedded repository as a Submodule for various other repositories without creating new files from scratch for each reposi...
git add出现 “fatal: in unpopulated submodule XXX” 错误: 当前处于: F:\217my_optLogs\001系统相关\系统设计...
posva changed the title Generated prjoect has a git repo added which doesn't let it add as a submodule to another project Generated project has a git repo added which doesn't let it add as a submodule to another project Apr 26, 2018 yyx990803 added scope: cli intend to implement pr...
git add. git commit -m "add submodule" git push 我们会发现,项目会自动生成一个.gitmodules,内容如下: [submodule "sub/b-project"] path = sub/b-project url = git submodule add ok,到这里就为a-project添加子模块b-project成功了!