git rebase --onto topicA~5 topicA~3 topicA would result in the removal of commits F and G: E---H'---I'---J' topicA This is useful if F and G were flawed in some way, or should not be part of topicA. Note that the argument to--ontoand the<upstream>parameter can be any...
移除本地的commits 接下来的例子展示了一个更高级的使用情况,它示范了你在一个新的试验上工作了一段时间并在提交了一些快照后,决定彻底抛弃它这整个过程究竟发生了什么。 # Create a new file called `` and add some code to it # Commit it to the project history git add git commit -...
Now when I want to clean up my commit history (squash / pick) i get all the commits from the master branch as well by git rebase myBranch -i HEAD myfirstcommit How can I filter out the commits from the master branch, so I can only rearrange my own commits? git github Share Improve...
rebase是git里非常灵活的命令,我一般用rebase本地压我自己巨大的commits因为我喜欢写一个函数测一下然后再交。 但是rebase和别人协作时很容易conflicts,而且如果conflicts是和压缩后的commits其中一个commits,conflicts就直接一大串(和后面的全部冲突)。merge的话就是看起来线很混乱,但是一旦conflicts解决起来容易很多,解决...
git rebase --onto topicA~5 topicA~3 topicA would result in the removal of commits F and G: E---H'---I'---J' topicA This is useful if F and G were flawed in some way, or should not be part of topicA. Note that the argument to--ontoand the<upstream>parameter can be any...
git rebase,特别是git reabase -i和git rebase -p git cherry-pick(实际上这个命令和rebase是紧密绑定在一起的) 我经常看到人们将merge和rebase都堆放到一个篮子里,这里说明人们存在的普遍的误解:”获取别的branch的commits到我的branch上“。 但是实际上,这两个命令实际上并没有什么共通之处。他们有着完全不同...
There is info for rebase instruction changes in the file; just save and quit the editor (:wq in vim) to continue with the rebase. --autosquash will automatically put any --fixup=OLDCOMMIT commits in the correct order. Note that --autosquash is only valid when the --interacti...
其他人重新同步master分支,然后用cherry-pick的方式,把本地没有push 的 commits,一个个同步到master分支。然后 push 就可以了 23. push 被拒绝 ![rejected]dev->dev(non-fast-forward)error:failed to push some refs to''hint:Updateswere rejected because...
If you have some commits you've made but not yet want to push to a remote branch, in the Log tab of the Git tool window select the last commit you want to push and choose Push All up to Here option from the list of actions. The Push Commits dialog opens showing all commits up to...
If you have some commits you've made but not yet want to push to a remote branch, in the Log tab of the Git tool window select the last commit you want to push and choose Push All up to Here option from the list of actions. The Push Commits dialog opens showing all commits up to...