git rebase合并commits不完全指南 假设我们在feature分支上进行功能开发时,一个小功能commit了n多次,当feature代码合并到master时,master上就会出现我们这n多次的提交,如果此时,我们需要进行code review或者回退版本时,这n多个commit就会显得十分碍眼,难道我要一个个commit去check吗? 这时候合并commit就显得很重要的。 本...
git-rebase - Reapply commits on top of another base tip SYNOPSIS git rebase[-i | --interactive] [<options>] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase> | --keep-base] [<upstream> [<branch>]]git rebase[-i | --interactive] [<options>] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] --root [...
rebase是git里非常灵活的命令,我一般用rebase本地压我自己巨大的commits因为我喜欢写一个函数测一下然后再交。 但是rebase和别人协作时很容易conflicts,而且如果conflicts是和压缩后的commits其中一个commits,conflicts就直接一大串(和后面的全部冲突)。merge的话就是看起来线很混乱,但是一旦conflicts解决起来容易很多,解决...
Additional rebase commands As detailed in therewriting history page, rebasing can be used to change older and multiple commits, committed files, and multiple messages. While these are the most common applications,git rebasealso has additional command options that can be useful in more complex applica...
git rebase[-i | --interactive] [<options>] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase> | --keep-base] [<upstream> [<branch>]]git rebase[-i | --interactive] [<options>] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] --root [<branch>]git rebase(--continue|--skip|--abort|--quit|--edit-to...
The Rebase command allows you to apply commits from one branch to another. Rebase can be viewed as more powerful version ofCherry-Pick, which is optimized to apply multiple commits from one branch to another. In SmartGit, a distinction is made betweenRebase HEAD toandRebase to HEAD: ...
Scenario 2: Squash multiple commits as one and merge into master $ git log --oneline 706ac8d (HEAD -> master) Add file03 e62bfba Add file02 6dd771d Add file01 $ git checkout-b devSwitchedto anewbranch'dev' Make some changes on the new branchdev, it now looks like: ...
rebase:除了合并分支外,还提供了调整当前分支上 commits 的功能,如合并、丢弃或修改 commit messages。总结: merge 更适合用于简单地将一个分支的内容整合到另一个分支,且不太关注历史结构的场景。 rebase 则更适合用于保持历史的连续性和简洁性,特别是在需要频繁与上游分支同步时。选择哪种操作取决...
The Rebase command allows you to apply commits from one branch to another. Rebase can be viewed as more powerful version of Cherry-Pick, which is optimized to apply multiple commits from one branch to another. In SmartGit, a distinction is made between Rebase HEAD to and Rebase to HEAD: ...
git-rebase - Reapply commits on top of another base tip SYNOPSIS git rebase[-i | --interactive] [<options>] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase> | --keep-base] [<upstream> [<branch>]]git rebase[-i | --interactive] [<options>] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] --root [...