在Git 中,“将当前分支基于选中的提交进行变基操作”(Rebase current branch on this Commit)是一种通过将当前分支应用到选定的提交之上的操作。这个操作的目的通常是为了清理提交历史,使其更加线性和易于阅读。在变基过程中,Git 会取出当前分支上的所有提交,并将它们重新应用(或重放)到选定的基提交之上。 详细解释:...
#使用“git rebase——edit-todo”查看和编辑use"git rebase --edit-todo"toviewandedit You are currently editing a commitwhilerebasing branch'rebase_i'on'9119c19'. #您当前正在编辑提交,同时重新建立分支 #使用"git commit——amend"修改当前提交use"git commit --amend"toamend the current commit #当你...
git rebase 除了上述好处外,还可以保持主仓库的 commit history 非常干净。所以强烈推荐大家使用。### Reviewbot 的 git commit check为了更好的规范上述两种行为,Reviewbot 也添加了 git commit check 能力,就是用来检查 git commit 记录是否符合规范的。如果不符合规范,Reviewbot 就会提示你: ### 更多 git flow...
然后我需要加一些东西比如我在新增一行写上5,然后git add .,git commit --amend第二次的commit就改好了。然后执行git rebase --continue,很显然,因为之前第三行的内容在第三次提交的时候应该是3,而这个时候我因为需要补充第二次的提交在第三行新加了一点东西,所以肯定会产生冲突,因此然后必须解决这个冲突才可以...
git rebasewill stop at the first problematic commit and leave conflict markers in the tree. You can usegit diffto locate the markers (<<<) and make edits to resolve the conflict. For each file you edit, you need to tell Git that the conflict has been resolved, typically this would be ...
rebase.abbreviateCommands If set to true,git rebasewill use abbreviated command names in the todo list resulting in something like this: p deadbee The oneline of the commit p fa1afe1 The oneline of the next commit ... instead of:
$ git rebase ffbbf3df Current branch slantdirection is up to date. 1. 2. 分析 参与FreeType工作,因为一个MR拖拖拉拉半个月了对方还没搞明白,所以吾另外建了个分支,提交了一个新的MR。今天再操作就出问题了,反反复复折腾了很久。搜索了一番,没有找到有效帮助。
Current (master) commit: This is the commit on master (#123) Incomming (user/change-branch) commit: This is the commit from branch Scenarios: Having commit names like this can make rebase way easier: This is squashed commit from another PR that should be removed=> I’ll take...
Is there a way I can replay/pick out the merge commit E so that this isn't necessary? I have also attempted git rebase --preserve-merges -i <A> as well as git rebase -i <A>, which don't allow me to rebase the commits I want or make me deal with merge conflicts again, ...
Git’s rebase command temporarily rewinds the commits on your current branch, pulls in the commits from the other branch and reapplies the rewinded commits back on top. This bases the current branch onto the other branch. $ git rebase main First, rewinding head to replay your work on top...