Alternatively, you can do git pull-request in the command line and complete the PULL Request to GitHub, where it will force you to push your current branch to a remote repository. 8. Open a Pull request You need to click the Create pull request button to finish the action. Deleting a ...
Force push your current branch to your remote Create a pull-request for your current branch to the remote matching branch, or master by default. If you add more commits to your branch later, or need to rebase your branch to edit commits, you'll just need to run git pull-request to upd...
git pull github# fentch + merge$ git fetch github master# 把github连接到本地git branch-va# 所有branchgit checkout git merge gitthub/master# 报错fatal: refusing to merge unrelated historiesgit merge-h $ git merge--allow-unrelated-histories github/master#使用缺省值$ git push github master# 上...
提交文件到本地版本库:分两个步骤,先添加到暂存区git add filename1 filename2,然后再提交git commit -m "explain",-m后面跟的是提交说明,commit之后还需要使用push命令来将修改推送到远程版本库,如果远程主机的版本比本地版本更新, 推送时 Git 会报错, 要求先在本地做 git pull 操作来合并差异,如果你一定要...
GitHub For Desktop:GitHub的GUI客户端,可以通过它直接提交pull request(GitHub的PullRequest)。 Visual Studio:VS在团队资源管理器中集成了Git的支持,可以在修改完成代码后便捷的进行代码的提交、push等操作。 Git的GUI工具有很多,可以通过该链接查找: ...
根据step1中图上面的提示,你可以create a new repository on the command line或者push an existing repository from the command line或者import code from another repository,我们根据第二种提示来把本地库关联到github远程库上(推送)。 推送成功后,可以看到github页面中显示的远程库和本地是一样的了。
git push origin--delete tag<tagname>## 删除远程tag。先删除本地tag,然后:git push origin:test 将本地tag推送到远程 git push-u origin dev-f ## 强制提交dev分支### git pull 操作 ###git pull ## 同步项目。有时回报错需要提交新更改或删除更改(git stash)\ git pull-t ## 同步远程tag信息#...
When the command line does not specify where to push with the<repository>argument,branch.*.remoteconfiguration for the current branch is consulted to determine where to push. If the configuration is missing, it defaults toorigin. When the command line does not specify what to push with<refspec...
当您在使用`git push`或`git pull`命令时,如果遇到了超时问题,可能是由于网络连接不稳定或远程仓库过大等原因导致的。以下是一些建议来解决`git push/pull`超时问题: 1...
git push命令要加上force参数,因为rebase以后,分支历史改变了,跟远程分支不一定兼容,有可能要强行推送(参见这里)。 第七步:发出Pull Request 提交到远程仓库以后,就可以发出 Pull Request 到master分支,然后请求别人进行代码review,确认可以合并到master。