4. 将pull request信息告知作者,作者将会知道贡献者的仓库地址、分支、从哪一个提交开始、哪一个提交结束,并且带有详细的变更信息。 注:这里的告知是通过邮件等方式将上面request-pull命令生成的信息发送给作者,github等平台上提供的pull request功能是由平台自己实现的通知方式,关于github上的pull request后续介绍。 5...
The wrapperhubprovides hub fork and hub pull-request as command line tools to fork and create pull-requests. Unfortunately, it's hard to combine these tools in an automated implementation for a complete workflow. For example: If you need to update your pull-request, there's no way to ident...
Then, you run this command: git request-pull v1.0 https://git.ko.xz/project master which will produce a request to the upstream, summarizing the changes between thev1.0release and yourmaster, to pull it from your public repository.
Then, you run this command: git request-pull v1.0 https://git.ko.xz/project master which will produce a request to the upstream, summarizing the changes between thev1.0release and yourmaster, to pull it from your public repository.
Pull Request Git常用的GUI工具 小结 版本控制管理分支简介 在使用集中式的版本管理工具时,一般会在项目的仓库中创建Trunk(主干)、Branches(分支)、Tag(标记)几个目录,分别用于放置开发代码、代码分支以及代码里程碑,分支的目的是为了开发一些测试性功能或者修复Bug时从开发主线上分开避免互相影响,但是要注意的是集中式...
下面是ThoughtBot的Git使用规范流程。我从中学到了很多,推荐你也这样使用Git。 第一步:新建分支 首先,每次开发新功能,都应该新建一个单独的分支(这方面可以参考《Git分支管理策略》)。 1 2 3 4 5 6 # 获取主干最新代码 $ git checkout master $ git pull ...
Each entry in the list is a dictionary of commit->pull requests. TypeScript 复制 results: {[key: string]: GitPullRequest[]}[] Property Value {[key: string]: GitPullRequest[]}[] 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是 否 本文内容 Properties Property Details ...
Finally, John accepts the changes, merges the feature branch into main, and closes the pull request. The feature is now integrated into the project, and any other developers working on it can pull it into their own local repositories using the standardgit pullcommand. ...
Represents a comment thread of a pull request. A thread contains meta data about the file it was left on (if any) along with one or more comments (an initial comment and the subsequent replies).