https:每次都需要输入一遍username和passphrase。 而我一开始手滑选择了https,导致每次提交都要重新输入密码和用户名,所以后来就切换到了ssh模式下。具体怎么切网上有很多教程,不再赘述。 然后,push想要push的东西即可: git push -u origin master#-u 只有首次提交的时候需要,后续再次push可以省略 三、开始编写及提交...
<stdout-is-tty> should be either "true" or "false", and is taken into account when configuration says "auto". If <stdout-is-tty> is missing, then checks the standard output of the command itself, and exits with status 0 if color is to be used, or exits with status 1 otherwise. ...
解决办法很简单,就是输入以下命令: $ ssh-keygen -p [-P old_passphrase] [-N new_passphrase] [-f keyfile] 举个例子: $ ssh-keygen -p -P 123456 -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa 这样就把最开始无知的我们设置的’123456’密码改为了''密码,然后就可以无痛使用git push、git pull等命令,再也不...
$ ssh-keygenGeneratingpublic/privatersa key pair.Enterfileinwhichtosave the key (/home/schacon/.ssh/id_rsa):Created directory'/home/schacon/.ssh'.Enter passphrase (emptyforno passphrase):Enter same passphrase again:Your identification has been savedin/home/schacon/.ssh/id_rsa.Yourpublickey ha...
避免在使用 git push 时出现 pass-phrase 提示符,可以通过以下方法解决: 1. 使用 SSH 密钥进行身份验证,而不是使用用户名和密码。 首先,需要在本地计算机上生成一个...
1 背景 原因: 公钥和私钥出现错误.解决方案: 重新配置公钥和私钥. 2 操作步骤 1 根据邮箱重新生成自己的公钥和私钥:下述命令一路回车即可 2 启动ssh代理 3 修改...
Similar to --show-origin in that it augments the output of all queried config options with the scope of that value (local, global, system, command). --get-colorbool name [stdout-is-tty] Find the color setting for name (e.g. color.diff) and output "true" or "false". stdout-is-...
When writing, the new value is written to the repository local configuration file by default, and options --system, --global, --file <filename> can be used to tell the command to write to that location (you can say --local but that is the default). This command will fail with non-...
'with'*'in/etc/shadow. The Git user is still unable to change the password because it runs in a restricted shell and thepasswdcommand for non-superusers requires entering the current password prior to a new password. The user cannot enter a password that matches'*', which means the ...
Adds an Open Changes with Revision... command (gitlens.diffWithRevision) to compare the current file or revision with another revision of the same file Current Line Blame # Adds an unobtrusive, customizable, and themable, blame annotation at the end of the current line Contains the author, ...