但最近一直在用fedora,所以也想在fedora下用github,配置的时候很顺利,就是在git push的每次都需要输入username和password,而我是配置好公钥登陆的。用ssh -T git@github.com 也是成功用公钥登陆的。 查看了下~/.gitconfig,发现和ubuntu下的一样,google看到一篇《GitHub使用简介》,里面说了git push...
之前开始用github时是在ubuntu下按着官方的新手指南搞定的。但最近一直在用fedora,所以也想在fedora下用github,配置的时候很顺利,就是在git push的每次都需要输入username和password,而我是配置好公钥登陆的。用ssh -T git@github.com 也是成功用公钥登陆的。 查看了下~/.gitconfig,发现和ubuntu下的一样,google看到...
4)重新建立连接方式; git remote add origin git@github.com***(your username)**/learngit.git 5) 再次push, 就不需要密码账号了,但Warning会告诉你,永久绑定。
1.查看clone 地址: git remote -v(若地址是以https开头,就继续执行第2-第5步,否则直接进入第6步) 2.移除https的方式 git remote rm origin 3.添加ssh方式 git remote add origin 这里是ssh方式地址(如下图) ssh.png 4.查看是否修改成功: git remote -v(若地址是以git开头就成功了) 5、生成SSH keys命...
When I try to push to or pull from GitHub using my PC, it requires a username and password, but not when I'm using the laptop! I don't want to type my username and password every time I interact with origin. What am I missing here? git github git-push git-clone git-pull Share...
When I try to push to or pull from GitHub using my PC, it requires a username and password, but not when I'm using the laptop! I don't want to type my username and password every time I interact with origin. What am I missing here? git github git-push git-clone git-pull Share...
git每次pull or push都要输入username password的解决办法 开门见山 --->只需在任一项目目录下执行 $ git config--globalcredential.helper store
Hi everyone! I have followed the steps mentioned for installing and using git-lfs and everything is ok but when I run the command git push , I face a loop of authenticating. I mean, first it asks for username and password and I enter my ...
TortoiseGit git push提示fatal: HttpRequestException encountered remote: Invalid username or password.,gitpush代码的时候提示失败如下图:反复多次操作确认密码无问题还是提示失败。网上搜了下提示说是ssh和https操作方式不同,对于https第二次提示输入密码的时候这
[-d | --delete] [--prune] [-q | --quiet] [-v | --verbose] [-u | --set-upstream] [-o <string> | --push-option=<string>] [--[no-]signed|--signed=(true|false|if-asked)] [--force-with-lease[=<refname>[:<expect>]] [--force-if-includes]] [--no-verify] [<...