参考这个答案:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5785549/able-to-push-to-all-git-remotes-with-the-one-command 可以再看看这个评论Super cool trick! The only disadvantage is that it does not move remote heads. You need to rungit fetch --allright after doing such push....
【git系列】git push含义用法选项示例详解 概要 描述 选项 GIT URLS REMOTES 在配置文件中命名的远程 在$GIT_DIR/remotes中命名的文件 在$GIT_DIR/branches中命名的文件 输出 示例 1.git push 2.git push origin 3.git push origin : 4.git push origin master 5.git push origin HEAD 6.git push mothersh...
url = http://gitee.com/liaosp/xxx fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* url =https://gitee.com/xxx/xxx.git 1. 2. 3. 4. git push 报错: fatal: The current branch master has multiple upstream branches, refusing to push. 1. 解决方法 git push --all 1. 这样就可以执行 推送两...
git在push时除了自动填充参数,还会自动展开分支,上面的命令展开后如下 $ git push origin refs/heads/branch:refs/heads/branch 1. 查看下.git下的refs目录,就会发现git会把远端的分支存放在remotes目录 .git/refs/remotes/origin/xxx 那我们可以用下面的命令进行仓库迁移 $ git push remote2 refs/remotes/origin/...
2. 要把第 2 个仓库(http://coding.net)的地址加到 all 的 push 地址中。git remote set-url ...
Instead of naming each ref to push, specifies that all refs underrefs/(which includes but is not limited torefs/heads/,refs/remotes/, andrefs/tags/) be mirrored to the remote repository. Newly created local refs will be pushed to the remote end, locally updated refs will be force updated...
$ git remote -v origin (fetch) origin (push) 5.9.3新建一个分支,与指定的远程分支建立追踪关系 $ git branch --track [branch] [remote branch] $ git branch --track DevOps_RC2 remotes/origin/DevOps_RC1 ...
git push newremote refs/remotes/oldremote/features/*:refs/heads/features/* Whether you push all the branches or just some of them, Git will perform the entire operation without creating any new local branches, and without making changes to your working files. Every tracking branch that matches...
3、git push 这个命令的结果就是将本地分支master中commit的数据abc.txt上传到了远程绑定的master分支上了。 这里我创建了新的文件abc.txt,然后add,commit 添加备注 “abc”。 然后我使用git push 命令将其发送到远程master上 现在查看下我现在的分支
setup to push all remote refs to backup by default git config remote.backup.fetch do_not_fetch_from_backup git config remote.backup.push '+refs/remotes/*:refs/remotes/*'initialize git repo to usable (non-bare) state git init update SVN references git svn init -s " CodeGo....