本地创建了一个仓库(有README),把本地仓库和Github上关联以后,发现git pull,git feach提醒fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories 原因是两个分支是两个不同的版本,具有不同的提交历史 git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories 1. 可以允许不相关历史提,强制合并,确实解决了这个问题,感谢网友...
Create a merge commit even when the merge resolves as a fast-forward. This is the default behaviour when merging an annotated (and possibly signed) tag that is not stored in its natural place in refs/tags/ hierarchy. –ff-only Refuse to merge and exit with a non-zero status unless the ...
3. 等我修改了若干文件后再想push上去,提示我和线上版本不一致,4. OK 我获取一份下来pull.5. 然...
4.5 refusing to merge unrelated histories 我在本地 创建了一个仓库然后git commit 了,现在无法pull远程仓库的代码,报错refusing to merge unrelated histories。 原因是git认为这是两个不同的项目,有着不同的git历史,所以不能合并 解决办法 git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-historie 4.6 insufficient perm...
In Git 1.7.0 or later, to cancel a conflicting merge, usegit reset --merge.Warning: In older versions of Git, runninggit pullwith uncommitted changes is discouraged: while possible, it leaves you in a state that may be hard to back out of in the case of a conflict. ...
In Git 1.7.0 or later, to cancel a conflicting merge, use git reset --merge. Warning: In older versions of Git, running git pull with uncommitted changes is discouraged: while possible, it leaves you in a state that may be hard to back out of in the case of a conflict. If any of...
1.切换到要合并到的仓库(即仓库B)的MergeFrmA 2.在仓库A的所在目录中打开git bash,假设仓库A的地址为https://gitee.com/projectA.git,则在git bash中输入如下内容: git remote add master https://gitee.com/projectA.git git fetch --all 或者:git pull https://gitee.com/projectA.git ...
$ git branch--set-upstream-to=origin/master master Branch'master'setup to track remote branch'master'from'origin'. fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories 这个问题很有意思,是说因为本地库和远程库的内容历史没有关联(unrelated),所以拒绝合并(refuse to merge)。一般出现在开始阶段的pull和push的时...
出现refuseing to merge unrelated histories,按如下解决 git pull origin master--allow-unrelated-histories 关联远程分支 // 推送代码并关联远程分支git push --set-upstream origin hexo//(如果远程分支不存在)推代码并新建远程分支git push origin your_branch:remote_branch// 本地分支关联远程分支git branch -...
git pull之后会⽣成⼀个新的H,合并两个分⽀。如果发⽣了冲突,可以使⽤git reset --merge进⾏回退。options(选项)下⾯摘录⼏个常⽤的选项。–allow-unrelated-histories By default, git merge command refuses to merge histories that do not share a common ancestor. This option can be ...