本地创建了一个仓库(有README),把本地仓库和Github上关联以后,发现git pull,git feach提醒fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories 原因是两个分支是两个不同的版本,具有不同的提交历史 git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories 1. 可以允许不相关历史提,强制合并,确实解决了这个问题,感谢网友...
$ git branch--set-upstream-to=origin/master master Branch'master'setup to track remote branch'master'from'origin'. fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories 这个问题很有意思,是说因为本地库和远程库的内容历史没有关联(unrelated),所以拒绝合并(refuse to merge)。一般出现在开始阶段的pull和push的时候。
解决Git中fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories ~/SpringSpace/newframe on master 11:35:56 $ git merge origin/druid fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories 解决办法:在后面添加如下参数: git merge master --allow-unrelated-histories gitlab修改远程分支名称 远程分支重命名 (已经推送远程-假设...
本地的项目通过 git push origin sam 传到了服务器sam分支上,然后服务器 git merge sam的时候,报上面的错: 解决方法: 服务器上: git reset --hard git status git add * git commit -am '..' git merge sam 4.5 refusing to merge unrelated histories 我在本地 创建了一个仓库然后git commit 了,现在...
> cd /path/to/normal-repo > git init // 从普通的版本库中克隆 > cd /path/to/normal-clone > git clone /path/to/normal-repo . > git push // 提示源仓库也处于master分支上,并且源仓库的receive.denyCurrentBranch变量的值为refuse所以会拒绝 ...
当拉取后,本地会merge一个新的提交,该提交可以push到testProjectC的工程中,这样其他人员clone工程或者使用git pull时,会自动下载的platform已是merge版本。 以下命令支持在testProjectC直接修改platform,因避免冲突,暂时不建议使用该功能。更要注意的是:禁止直接修改platform push到testProjectC。
computes a tree that would result in the merge commit, if the histories leading to these two commits were to be merged. * "git mv A B" in a sparsely populated working tree can be asked to move a path between directories that are "in cone" (i.e. expected ...
computes a tree that would result in the merge commit, if the histories leading to these two commits were to be merged. * "git mv A B" in a sparsely populated working tree can be asked to move a path between directories that are "in cone" (i.e. expected ...
computes a tree that would result in the merge commit, if the histories leading to these two commits were to be merged. * "git mv A B" in a sparsely populated working tree can be asked to move a path between directories that are "in cone" (i.e. expected ...
computes a tree that would result in the merge commit, if the histories leading to these two commits were to be merged. * "git mv A B" in a sparsely populated working tree can be asked to move a path between directories that are "in cone" (i.e. expected ...