git remote add origin git+ssh://git@ # 增加远程定义(用于push/pull/fetch) git branch # 显示本地分支 git branch --contains 50089 # 显示包含提交50089的分支 git branch -a # 显示所有分支 git branch -r # 显示所有原创分支 git branch --merged # 显示所有已合并到当前分支...
Opens an editor to modify the specified config file; either --system, --global, --local (default), --worktree, or --file <config-file>. OPTIONS --replace-all Default behavior is to replace at most one line. This replaces all lines matching the key (and optionally the value-pattern)...
You are not currently on a branch. Please specifywhichbranch you want to merge with. See git-pull(1)fordetails. git pull<remote> <branch>//提示当前我们不处于任何一个分支,先切换会mastergit checkout master//再一次远程覆盖本地$ git fetch --all &&git reset --hard origin/master &&git pull...
* "git checkout X" did not correctly fail when X is not a local branch but could name more than one remote-tracking branches (i.e. to be dwimmed as the starting point to create a corresponding local branch), which has been corrected. (merge fa74180d08 am/checkout-file-and-ref-ref...
If<branch>is specified,git rebasewill perform an automaticgit switch <branch>before doing anything else. Otherwise it remains on the current branch. If<upstream>is not specified, the upstream configured inbranch.<name>.remoteandbranch.<name>.mergeoptions will be used (seegit-config[1]for detail...
1、pull (拉取) 2、synchronize workspace(解决冲突) 3、commit(此处提交有2种方法。可以直接Commit and Push 提交到你本地仓库后并且提交到远程仓库。 )(提交) Eclipse从LUNA版本开始默认支持了GIT客户端,可以在导航菜单中windows --> preferences搜索git查看git相关配置。 Eclipse中对于git的操作基本都在右键菜单Te...
pull Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch push Update remote refs along with associated objects 'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some concept guides. See 'git help ' or 'git help <concept>' to read ...
Next, rename the local branch with thegit branch -m <new_name>command, where new_name refers to the name you want to assign. After changing the name, you must push the new name of the local Branch with the -u option. This will link the checked out (and renamed) branch up with the...
com/AmirMacsen/git_test/pull/new/dog remote: To * [new branch] dog -> dog branch 'dog' set up to track 'origin/dog'. 提交代码之后,在远程仓库也创建了一个分支,并且两个分支对应的文件有所不同: 分支合并 首先切换到主干分支 git checkout main 然后执行,...
The--set-upstreamor-uoption in thegit pushcommand links your local branch to a specific branch on the remote repository and sets it as the default remote branch for push and pull operations. The specific remote branch your local branch tracks is the upstream branch. ...