(use "git pull" to update your local branch) nothing to commit, working directory clean 上面的显示的意思就是,有一个更新还没有反应到我本地来,可能是别人往server上checkin了一点东西。 使用git pull命令拿这些更新到本地来。 D:\Dev\Github\bid>git pull Updating abf79f6..db7b6e3 Fast-forward r...
Your branchisbehind'origin/master'by2 commits,andcan be fast-forwarded. 再执行git pull时就可以了: [root@gitserver /data/work/www/rest/lib/Business/Inventory]# git pull Enter passphraseforkey'/root/.ssh/id_rsa': Updating 70e8b93..a0f1a6c Fast-forward rest/lib/Business/Inventory/ProductStat...
How do I pull from a remote branch, into a local branch, when the local branch is different from the one that I cam currently on? Thank you. Usinggit pullwith a refspec will not affect the merging part of the pull command. As you maybe know,git pullis essentially just...
you not only download new data, but also integrate it into your local working copy of the proje...
git pull是git fetch+git mergeFETCH_HEAD 的缩写。git pull就是先fetch,然后执行merge 操作,如果加 ...
git-pull - Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch SYNOPSIS git pull[<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>…]] DESCRIPTION Incorporates changes from a remote repository into the current branch. If the current branch is behind the remote, then by default it will ...
jere@JereMBP GitTest (develop) $ git branch * develop main 放弃工作区所作的修改,类似git restore <file>...,比如:我现在想放弃README.md中的修改 代码语言:txt 复制 jere@JereMBP GitTest (develop) $ git status On branch develop Changes not staged for commit: ...
Updating A Local Clone After Branch Name Changes When a branch name changes in the remote Git repository, you must update your local clone to reflect those changes. Otherwise, you won't be able to fetch or pull from that branch and may encounter other conflicts when pushing back up. ...
It’s worth noting here that the work you did in yourhotfixbranch is not contained in the files in youriss53branch. If you need to pull it in, you can merge yourmasterbranch into youriss53branch by runninggit merge master, or you can wait to integrate those changes until you decide to...
Straightforward: Updating from a remote branch into a currently not checked-out branch master: git fetch origin master:master where origin is your remote and you are currently checked out in some branch e.g. dev. If you want to update your current branch in addition to the specified...