Checking out a local branch from a remote branch automatically creates what is called a tracking branch. Tracking branches are local branches that have a direct relationship to a remote branch. If you’re on a tracking branch and type git push, Git automatically knows which server and branch t...
1. Rename your local branch. If you are on the branch you want to rename: git branch -m new-name If you are on a different branch: git branch -m old-name new-name 2. Delete the old-name remote branch and push the new-name local branch. git push origin :old-name new-name 3. ...
1、管理员创建一个git仓库 Admin@Repo: mkdir git.merge.remote Admin@Repo: cd git.merge.remote Admin@Repo: git init --bare 已初始化空的 Git 仓库于 /home/harry/git.merge.remote/ Admin@Repo: 2、Maint提交修改 Maint@harry:git clone /home/harry/git.merge.remote . 正克隆到 '.'... warning...
1、创建本地分支 git branch //查看远程分支 git checkout -b branch_name //创建远程分支 在查看分支git branch 2、将分支提交到远程仓库 此时远程库中会有test-branch分支: 6、删除远程分支 首先,当前所在分支不能被删除,若要删除需切换到其它分支: 删除本地分支git branch -d test-branch 删除远程分支git ...
First, make sure the local branch has the correct, new name. The appropriate command is “git branch -a”. Now delete the branch with the old, incorrect name from the remote repository. To do this, use the following command: “git push origin --delete old-name”. Verify that the old...
make it the remote’s serverfix.” You can use this format to push a local branch into a remote branch that is named differently. If you didn’t want it to be calledserverfixon the remote, you could instead rungit push origin serverfix:awesomebranchto push your localserverfixbranch to ...
其实使用git clone下载的repository没那么简单😥,clone得到的是仓库所有的数据,不仅仅是复制在Github repository所能看到的master分支下的所有文件,clone下来的是仓库下的每一个文件和每一个文件的版本(也就是说所有的分支都被搞下来了咯),那为啥看不到,其实remote branch被隐藏了,需要使用git branch -a才能看到。
4、Maint设置tsecer为remote并合并 Maint@harry:git remote add tsecer /home/harry/git.merge.local/Dev Maint@harry:git fetch tsecer remote: 枚举对象: 5, 完成. remote: 对象计数中: 100% (5/5), 完成. remote: 总共 3(差异 0),复用 0(差异 0),包复用 0 ...
// local: git branch // remote: git branch -r // all: git branch -a 切换分支 git checkout -b dev origin/dev // 拉取远程分支到本地 git checkout dev // 切换本地分支 创建新分支 git checkout -b dev origin/master git push --set-upstream origin dev 拉取/更新远程代码 git fetch /...
git push [remote_repo local branch:remote branch]。缺省情况下,将当前branch的改动push到缺省repo中它track的branch。也可以加repo和branch,将当前分支的数据push到任何一个repo的任何一个branch 删除远程分支 如果需要删除一个远程分支,则需要git push origin :b1根据 git push的定义,就是把空push到远程的b1 bra...