添加远程仓库:$gitremote add [name] [url] 删除远程仓库:$gitremote rm [name] 修改远程仓库:$gitremote set-url --push[name][newUrl] 拉取远程仓库:$gitpull [remoteName] [localBranchName] 推送远程仓库:$git push[remoteName] [localBranchName] 2)分支(branch)操作相关命令 查看本地分支:$gitbranc...
本地分支推送至远程 git checkout local_branch git push origin local_branch:remote_branch 一、查看远程分支 使用如下Git命令查看所有远程分支: git branch -r 列出本地分支: git branch 删除本地分支: gi
git rm-r--cached.gitadd.git commit-m'update .gitignore'git push-u origin master git提交包含了超过100M的大文件时会报错:remote: error: GH001: Large files detected. You may want to try Git Large File Storage - https://git-lfs.github.com. To https://github.com/xxxx/xxxxx.git 1.安装...
如果你在项目中改了子模块的代码,准备提交到对应的分支(add和commit已经执行过),使用:git push origin HEAD:<branch> 这样就把代码提交到对应的分支 ,和 git push origin <localBranch> <remoteBranch>类似如果其他人有修改这个子模块并提交到A工程,你可以重新pull A项目分支,然后执行git submodule update保证子...
$ git remote show https://github.com/tianqixin/runoob-git-test*remote https://github.com/tianqixin/runoob-git-testFetchURL:https://github.com/tianqixin/runoob-git-testPushURL:https://github.com/tianqixin/runoob-git-testHEAD branch:masterLocalrefconfiguredfor'git push':master pushes to master...
//github.com/schacon/ticgit Push URL: https://github.com/schacon/ticgit HEAD branch: master Remote branches: master tracked dev-branch tracked Local branch configured for 'git pull': master merges with remote master Local ref configured for 'git push': master pushes to master (up to date)...
Figure 34. Remote-tracking branch forteamone/master Pushing When you want to share a branch with the world, you need to push it up to a remote to which you have write access. Your local branches aren’t automatically synchronized to the remotes you write to — you have to explicitly...
<remote> heads/<local-branch>:refs/heads/<remote-branch> $ git push <remote> <local-branch>:refs/heads/<remote-branch> # 或者 $ git push <remote> refs/heads/<local-branch>:<remote-branch> $ git push <remote> heads/<local-branch>:<remote-branch> $ git push <remote> <local-branch...
git branch:轻松创建、查看或删除分支。 git checkout:随心切换分支或恢复文件到上一个版本。 git merge:将两个分支的变化合二为一,掌控大局! git rebase:魔法般地将一个分支的提交应用到另一个分支上。 4. 远程仓库 git remote:管理远程仓库,增删改查一把抓。
分支操作是Git的另一项关键特性。使用git branch可以查看、创建和删除分支,而git checkout则帮助开发者在不同的分支之间切换,恢复文件至先前版本。合并分支的过程同样重要,Git通过git merge命令支持高效的分支合并,确保开发过程中的不同特性能够无缝集成。 在远程仓库的管理上,Git表现得尤为出色。使用git remote命令,开发...