1. Rename your local branch. If you are on the branch you want to rename: git branch -m new-name If you are on a different branch: git branch -m old-name new-name 2. Delete the old-name remote branch and push the new-name local branch. git push origin :old-name new-name 3. ...
解决方法:先执行git fetch origin。要下班了,详细情况下回在细说。 'origin/master' which can not be resolved as commit Strange: you need to check your remotes: git remote -v And make sure origin is fetched: git fetch origin Then: git branch -avv (to see if you do have fetched an origin...
该命令是branch,后面是新分支的名称。 git branch <branchname> 执行branch 命令时,(默认情况下)使用当前分支的指针,并创建新分支,后者指向与当前分支相同的提交。branch命令不会自动将当前分支更改为新分支。 因此,您需要使用checkout命令。 git checkout <branchname> Git 使用另一个指针(称为 HEAD 指针),指向...
As with the local branch, you have two options. First, make sure the local branch has the correct, new name. The appropriate command is “git branch -a”. Now delete the branch with the old, incorrect name from the remote repository. To do this, use the following command: “git push...
which does the same thing — it says, “Take my serverfix and make it the remote’s serverfix.” You can use this format to push a local branch into a remote branch that is named differently. If you didn’t want it to be calledserverfixon the remote, you could instead rungit...
git push origin -u [new_branch_name] Note:Make sure to read our tutorial if you want to find out more onhow to push a branch to a remote repository. Step 12: Delete a Local or Remote Git Branch You may decide todelete a local or remote Git branchafter you merge the changes with ...
分支操作是Git的另一项关键特性。使用git branch可以查看、创建和删除分支,而git checkout则帮助开发者在不同的分支之间切换,恢复文件至先前版本。合并分支的过程同样重要,Git通过git merge命令支持高效的分支合并,确保开发过程中的不同特性能够无缝集成。 在远程仓库的管理上,Git表现得尤为出色。使用git remote命令,开发...
A:master就是local branch,origin/master是remote branch。 创建新分支并push到远端仓库 2.5 图示变更怎么看 做以下操作。 1.在master分支上新建一个提交”c1”,生成commit ID 973c,这时候master引用指向973c,HEAD指向master引用。 2.在master分支基础上新建分支”br1”,并在”br1”上提交”c2”,commit ID为1c7...
git branch:轻松创建、查看或删除分支。 git checkout:随心切换分支或恢复文件到上一个版本。 git merge:将两个分支的变化合二为一,掌控大局! git rebase:魔法般地将一个分支的提交应用到另一个分支上。 4. 远程仓库 git remote:管理远程仓库,增删改查一把抓。
git push [remote] --all 6)合并远程仓库代码 # 合并指定分支到当前分支 git merge [branch_name] --no-ff 说明:--no-ff 表示不使用“快进合并”(fast-forward merge),快进合并会直接将目标分支的更改合并到当前分支,而不创建新的合并提交。使用 --no-ff 选项会强制创建一个新的合并提交,这样可以保留更清...