如果你需要一个旧版本,Git可以连接到LFS服务器并获得它。这与常规Git相反,它允许你离线 checkout 任何...
git-lfs/1.4.4(GitHub; linux amd64; go1.7.3; git cbf91a9) git version2.10.2 Endpoint=https://github.com/username/repo.git/info/lfs (auth=none) SSH=git@github.com:username/repo.git Endpoint (remoterepo)=https://github.com/username/remoteRepo.git/info/lfs (auth=none) SSH=git@github....
# git lfs post-checkout "$@" 然后,保存文件并运行 git checkout main。完成后,运行 git lfs pull,然后取消注释上面的行以使该文件恢复正常。这样,由于 git checkout alone 需要大约 10 分钟并检查大约 80000 个文件,因此该部分将在 git lfs 部分运行并永远花费(3 小时以上)之前完成并通过,并且可能...
git lfs指令解决git status显示lib文件被修改,但是没有修改的问题。此时,git checkout没有用。 $ git lfs migrate import --everything --include='*.LIB' https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/issues/2839 https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/issues/1939...
git lfs指令解决git status显示lib文件被修改,但是没有修改的问题。此时,git checkout没有用。 $ git lfs migrate import --everything --include='*.LIB' https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/issues/2839 https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs/issues/1939...
1 Why does git think files I just checked out are modified? 0 Why is git pushing my files normally, even if they are handled by git-LFS? 0 Staged git lfs files not being intercepted by git-lfs 0 Git LFS still diff-ing files? 0 git checkout <file> leaves it in "modified" ...
【git基础】git lfs的使用 前言 git add git checkout git使用过程 git clone URL git clone git@gitlab.xx:yy/super_git.git git status git add filename git add . git commit -m "add filename" git push -u origin master git push -f origin dev_branch...
下载Git LFS 。解压完后执行: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ git lfs install 完成工具的安装。这步骤只需要做一次。这个步骤实际做的事情是给 git 加上 lfs 命令,另外还创建了 post-checkout、post-commit、post-merge、pre-push 几个全局钩子。当我们在一个使用 LFS 的仓库执行诸如checkout、commit、merge、push...
Hi, I found the rule of filepathfilter.go has being changed. git lfs checkout path/to/file.lib will being treated as "**/path/to/file.lib/**" and cause pattern not matching, thus specified lfs object will be rejected. Ex: $GIT_TRACE=1 gi...