我还没有推或做任何其他事情。 git gc 垃圾收集断开连接的提交,但没有必要。 闪票仇门韧 使用 ^ 和 HEAD^ 对我不起作用。相反,我必须使用以下参考:http://gitref.org/basic/#commit git reset --soft HEAD~ ( git version (Apple Git-37) ) (注意:如果你使用 zsh (和我一样)你也可以逃...
Step 12: Add Newly Created File to Last Commit Add the new file to the last commit by running the given command: $git commit--amend--no-edit Here, the “–amend” option is used to change the commit, and the “–no-edit” option can be utilized to make a change to the commit wi...
M some_file.go some_file.go 就是我早上修改的造成冲突的文件。 git status On branch master Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 34 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. (use "git pull" to update your local branch) Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to updat...
In order to revert the last Git commit, use the “git revert” and specify the commit to be reverted which is “HEAD” for the last commit of your history. $ git revert HEAD The “git revert” command is slightly different from the “git reset” command becauseit will record a new co...
How to Git uncommit the last commit Let it be stated up front and before we go any further that there is nogit uncommitcommand. There is agit commitcommand. There is agit resetcommand. There is agit cleancommand. And there is a largely misunderstoodgit revertcommand. But there ...
The last commit will be removed from your Git history. $ git reset --soft HEAD~1 If you are not familiar with this notation, “HEAD~1” means that you want to reset the HEAD (the last commit) to one commit before in the log history. ...
git commit --amend会合并本次和最后一次提交commit-last,生成新的一个新的commit-id,commit-last会被删除。这时要回退--amend提交,则需要找回commit-last。git reflog工具可以记录HEAD的每一次变化,那么可以查到commit-last,使用git reset commit-last即可回退。
The last commit of the git will be deleted from our Git repository.$ git reset --soft HEAD~1 In this notation,"HEAD~1": It means that we wish to reset this HEAD to a single commit before inside the history of the log.$ git log --oneline 3fad532 Last commit (HEAD) 3bnaj03...
TypeScript 複製 commitTooManyChanges: boolean 屬性值 boolean 繼承自GitCommitRef.commitTooManyChangesparents 這個認可之父認可標識碼的列舉。 TypeScript 複製 parents: string[] 屬性值 string[] 繼承自GitCommitRef.parentspush 與此認可相關聯的推送。 TypeScript 複製 push: GitPushRef 屬性值 GitPush...
baseCommit TypeScript 複製 baseCommit: string Property Value string behindCount TypeScript 複製 behindCount: number Property Value number changeCounts TypeScript 複製 changeCounts: {[key: number]: number} Property Value {[key: number]: number} ...